weak equivalence

weak equivalence
мат. слабая эквивалентность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weak equivalence" в других словарях:

  • Weak equivalence — In mathematics, a weak equivalence is a notion from homotopy theory which in some sense identifies objects that have the same basic shape . This notion is formalized in the axiomatic definition of a closed model category.Formal definitionA closed …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalence principle — General relativity|cTopic=Fundamental conceptsThe equivalence principle is one of the fundamental background concepts of the General Theory of Relativity. For the overall context, see General relativity.In the physics of relativity, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalence of categories — In category theory, an abstract branch of mathematics, an equivalence of categories is a relation between two categories that establishes that these categories are essentially the same . There are numerous examples of categorical equivalences… …   Wikipedia

  • Weak derivative — In mathematics, a weak derivative is a generalization of the concept of the derivative of a function ( strong derivative ) for functions not assumed differentiable, but only integrable, i.e. to lie in the Lebesgue space L^1( [a,b] ). See… …   Wikipedia

  • equivalence principle — Physics. (in relativity) the principle that, in any small region of space time, the effects of a gravitational field are indistinguishable from those of an appropriate acceleration of the frame of reference. Also called Einstein s equivalency… …   Universalium

  • Strict weak ordering — The 13 possible strict weak orderings on a set of three elements {a, b, c}. The only partially ordered sets are coloured, while totally ordered ones are in black. Two orderings are shown as connected by an edge if they differ by a single… …   Wikipedia

  • Mass–energy equivalence — E=MC2 redirects here. For other uses, see E=MC2 (disambiguation). 4 meter tall sculpture of Einstein s 1905 E = mc2 formula at the 2006 Walk of Ideas, Berlin, Germany In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that the …   Wikipedia

  • Observational equivalence — In econometrics, two parameter values (sometimes called structures, from among a class of statistical models) are considered observationally equivalent if they both result in the same probability distribution of observable data.[1][2][3] This… …   Wikipedia

  • gravitation — gravitational, adj. gravitationally, adv. /grav i tay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the force of attraction between any two masses. Cf. law of gravitation. b. an act or process caused by this force. 2. a sinking or falling …   Universalium

  • General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources …   Wikipedia

  • Model category — In mathematics, particularly in homotopy theory, a model category is a category with distinguished classes of morphisms ( arrows ) called weak equivalences , fibrations and cofibrations . These abstract from a conventional homotopy category, of… …   Wikipedia

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