- wayward child
- своевольный ребенок Syn : self-willed child, wilful child
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
wayward child — noun or wayward minor : a child having a status arbitrarily defined by statute in some states, usually being under a stated age, habitually associating with vicious or immoral persons, or growing up in circumstances likely to cause him to commit… … Useful english dictionary
child — n. 1) to adopt; bear, give birth to, have a child (she had four children) 2) to carry a child (a mother carries a child for nine months) 3) to beget; conceive a child 4) to bring up, raise, rear a child 5) to feed; nurse; wean a child 6) to… … Combinatory dictionary
wayward — way|ward [ weıwərd ] adjective 1. ) a wayward child or someone with wayward behavior is difficult to control and does unexpected things 2. ) not organized or controlled in the right way: wayward thoughts … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wayward — UK [ˈweɪwə(r)d] / US [ˈweɪwərd] adjective 1) a wayward child or someone with wayward behaviour is difficult to control and does unexpected things 2) not organized or controlled in the right way wayward thoughts … English dictionary
wayward — adjective Etymology: Middle English, short for awayward turned away, from away, adverb + ward Date: 14th century 1. following one s own capricious, wanton, or depraved inclinations ; ungovernable < a wayward child > 2. following no clear… … New Collegiate Dictionary
wayward — adjective a wayward child Syn: willful, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, perverse, contrary, disobedient, insubordinate, undisciplined; rebellious, defiant, uncooperative, recalcitrant, unruly, wild, unmanageable, erratic; … Thesaurus of popular words
wayward minor — noun see wayward child … Useful english dictionary
Child savers — The child saving movement emerged in the United States during the nineteenth century and influenced the development of the juvenile justice system. Child savers stressed the value of redemption and prevention through early identification of… … Wikipedia
child — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ little, small, young ▪ My father died while I was still a small child. ▪ newborn ▪ teenage ▪ … Collocations dictionary
wayward — adj. Wayward is used with these nouns: ↑child, ↑genius, ↑shot … Collocations dictionary
stubborn child — noun : a minor (as in the state of Massachusetts) who refuses to submit to the lawful commands of parent or guardian and may be punished by six months imprisonment or by a fine compare wayward child … Useful english dictionary