way in

way in

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "way in" в других словарях:

  • Way — Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • way — or go one s way [wā] n. [ME < OE weg, akin to Ger < IE base * weĝh , to go > L vehere, to carry, ride, Gr ochos, wagon] 1. a means of passing from one place to another, as a road, highway, street or path [the Appian Way] 2. room or space …   English World dictionary

  • way — ► NOUN 1) a method, style, or manner of doing something. 2) the typical manner in which someone behaves or in which something happens. 3) a road, track, path, or street. 4) a route or means taken in order to reach, enter, or leave a place. 5) the …   English terms dictionary

  • way — way; way·bread; way·far·er; way·far·ing; way·goose; way·less; way·man; way·ment; way·ward; way·ward·ly; way·ward·ness; way·wis·er; way·wode; hem·ing·way·esque; Jet·way; bus·way; cause·way; mid·way; sub·way; way·fare; well·a·way; hatch·way·man;… …   English syllables

  • Way — can refer to: * a road or path(way) * wayob , plural form (singular way ), spirit companions appearing in mythology and folklore of Maya peoples of the Yucatan Peninsula * A precisely straight rail or track on a machine tool (such as that on the… …   Wikipedia

  • WAY '79 — WAY 79, also referred to as WAY 79 and WAY 1979, was the official 1979 sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) celebration of the establishment of the Swan River Colony, the first permanent European settlement in Western Australia. Western… …   Wikipedia

  • way — n 1 Way, route, course, passage, pass, artery mean, in common, a track or path traversed in going from one place to another. Way is general and inclusive of any track or path; it can specifically signify a thoroughfare especially in combinations… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • way — I (channel) noun alley, artery, avenue, custom, direction, lane, mode, path, pathway, plan, road, roadway, route, throughway II (manner) noun behavior, fashion, habit, means, progression, ritual associated concepts: way appurtenant, way by… …   Law dictionary

  • way — (n.) O.E. weg road, path, course of travel, from P.Gmc. *wegaz (Cf. O.S., Du. weg, O.N. vegr, O.Fris. wei, O.H.G. weg, Ger. Weg, Goth. wigs way ), from PIE *wegh to move (see WEIGH (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • Way — Way, adv. [Aphetic form of away.] Away. [Obs. or Archaic] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] {To do way}, to take away; to remove. [Obs.] Do way your hands. Chaucer. {To make way with}, to make away with. See under {Away}. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • WAY-FM — may refer to:* WAY FM Network, a national, non profit radio broadcasting network in the United States that primarily plays Contemporary Christian music ** WAYM, the Franklin, Tennessee based flagship station of the WAY FM Network that goes by the …   Wikipedia

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