waxy I
Смотреть что такое "waxy I" в других словарях:
Waxy — Wax y, a. Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid; adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible. Waxy to persuasion. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] {Waxy degeneration} (Med.), amyloid degeneration. See under {Amyloid}. {Waxy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
waxy — wak sē adj, wax·i·er; est 1) made of, abounding in, or covered with wax <a waxy surface> 2) resembling wax <a waxy complexion> <waxy secretions> * * * (wakґse) 1. composed of or covered by wax. 2. resembling wax, especially… … Medical dictionary
Waxy — live in der Garage Saarbrücken … Deutsch Wikipedia
waxy — waxy; paxy·waxy; … English syllables
waxy — 1550s, made of wax, from WAX (Cf. wax) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Figurative use from 1590s. Meaning like wax is from 1799. Related: Waxiness … Etymology dictionary
waxy — ► ADJECTIVE (waxier, waxiest) ▪ resembling wax in consistency or appearance. DERIVATIVES waxiness noun … English terms dictionary
waxy — [wak′sē] adj. waxier, waxiest 1. full of, covered with, or made of wax 2. like wax in nature or appearance 3. Med. designating, of, or characterized by degeneration resulting from the deposit of an insoluble, waxlike substance in an organ … English World dictionary
Waxy — Maïs cireux Le maïs cireux est un maïs hybride dont l amidon du grain est entièrement constitué d amylopectine et qui présente un intérêt particulier pour certaines préparations industrielles. Le maïs cireux a été découvert en Chine en 1909.… … Wikipédia en Français
WAXY — Infobox Radio Station name = WAXY city = South Miami, Florida area = Miami Ft. Lauderdale, Florida branding = Sports Talk 790, The Ticket slogan = airdate = frequency = 790 (kHz) format = Sports/Talk power = 25,000 watts class = B affiliations =… … Wikipedia
waxy — UK [ˈwæksɪ] / US adjective Word forms waxy : adjective waxy comparative waxier superlative waxiest 1) smooth and shiny like wax waxy flower petals 2) British a waxy potato stays firm when it is boiled See: floury Derived word: waxiness noun… … English dictionary
waxy — adjective (waxier; est) Date: 1552 1. made of, abounding in, or covered with wax ; waxen < a waxy surface > < waxy berries > 2. resembling wax: as a. readily shaped or molded b. marked by smooth or lustrous whiteness … New Collegiate Dictionary