- wax-paper
- ˈwæksˌpeɪpə сущ. вощеная бумага Syn : waxed paper n вощеная бумага wax-paper вощеная бумага
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wax paper — (also called waxed paper) is a kind of paper that is made moisture proof through the application of wax.The practice of oiling parchment or paper in order to make it semi translucent or moisture proof goes back at least to medieval times. Thomas… … Wikipedia
Wax paper — Wax Wax, n. [AS. weax; akin to OFries. wax, D. was, G. wachs, OHG. wahs, Icel. & Sw. vax, Dan. vox, Lith. vaszkas, Russ. vosk .] [1913 Webster] 1. A fatty, solid substance, produced by bees, and employed by them in the construction of their comb; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wax paper — n. a kind of paper made moisture proof by a wax, or paraffin, coating: also waxed paper … English World dictionary
wax paper — wax ,paper noun uncount AMERICAN a special type of paper covered in a thin layer of wax that does not allow oil or GREASE to pass through it, used in cooking and for wrapping food … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wax paper — noun paper that has been waterproofed by treatment with wax or paraffin • Hypernyms: ↑paper * * * variant of waxed paper * * * a whitish, translucent wrapping paper made moistureproof by a paraffin coating. Also, waxed paper. [1835 45] * * * wax… … Useful english dictionary
wax paper — N UNCOUNT Wax paper is paper that has been covered with a thin layer of wax. It is used mainly in cooking or to wrap food. [AM] Syn: waxed paper (in BRIT, use greaseproof paper) … English dictionary
wax paper — wax′ pa per n. a whitish, translucent wrapping paper made moistureproof by a paraffin coating • Etymology: 1835–45 … From formal English to slang
wax paper — /ˈwæks peɪpə/ (say waks paypuh) noun paper made moistureproof by coating with paraffin wax, used especially in cooking and the wrapping of foodstuffs …
wax paper — вощеная бумага bank note paper ценная бумага банков bibulous paper промокательная бумага silver paper белая папиросная бумага tea bag paper чайная пачечная бумага wood paper бумага из древесной массы … English-Russian travelling dictionary
wax paper — a whitish, translucent wrapping paper made moistureproof by a paraffin coating. Also, waxed paper. [1835 45] * * * … Universalium
wax paper — noun Date: circa 1844 waxed paper … New Collegiate Dictionary