Смотреть что такое "wave-cut" в других словарях:
Wave-cut platform — Wave cut platform. In this case, alternating hard and soft layers have been folded up vertically and eroded by the tides, resulting in a regular ripple pattern at the surface. A wave cut platform, or shore platform is the narrow flat area often… … Wikipedia
wave-cut platform — ˌwave cut ˈplatform 7 [wave cut platform] noun (technical) an area of land between the ↑cliffs and the sea which is covered by water when the sea is at its highest level … Useful english dictionary
wave-cut platform — A gently sloping surface produced by wave erosion, extending into the sea or lake from the base of the wave cut cliff. This feature represents both the wave cut bench and the abrasion platform. Compare: submerged wave cut platform. GG … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
wave-cut platform — or abrasion platform Gently sloping rock ledge that extends from the high tide level at a steep cliff base to below the low tide level. It develops as a result of wave abrasion; beaches protect the shore from abrasion and therefore prevent the… … Universalium
wave-cut niche — bangų mūšos niša statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Bangų mūšos padaryta įduba stačiame krante. atitikmenys: angl. wave cut niche; wave cut notch vok. Brandungshohlkehle, f; Brandungskehle, f rus. волноприбойная ниша, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
wave-cut notch — bangų mūšos niša statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Bangų mūšos padaryta įduba stačiame krante. atitikmenys: angl. wave cut niche; wave cut notch vok. Brandungshohlkehle, f; Brandungskehle, f rus. волноприбойная ниша, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
wave-cut — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : cut away by the action of waves of a lake or sea and their concomitant currents … Useful english dictionary
wave-cut notch — the undercut portion of a cliff where the base has been eroded by wave action … Geography glossary
wave-cut platform — at a coast, where wave action erodes into a cliff, causing it to collapse and retreat, a rock platform is left behind between the low and high water marks … Geography glossary
wave-cut terrace — (not recommended) use wave built terrace … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
submerged wave-cut platform — A subaqueous, relict erosional landform that originally formed as a wave cut bench and abrasion platform from coastal wave erosion and later submerged by rising sea level or subsiding land surface. Compare: wave built terrace, wave cut… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms