wats lines

wats lines
nлиния междугородной телефонной связи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wats lines" в других словарях:

  • WATS — [wɒts ǁ wɑːts] noun [singular] TELECOMMUNICATIONS wide area telephone service; a system which allows companies to use long distance telephone lines at reduced rates. Calls made by a customer to a WATS number are free, and the company pays for… …   Financial and business terms

  • WATS — ☆ WATS [wäts ] n. [w(ide) a(rea) t(elecommunications) s(ervice)] a telephone service that ties a customer into the long distance network through special lines so that calls can be made to and received from a defined area or areas at a special… …   English World dictionary

  • Toll-free telephone number — A toll free, Freecall, Freephone, or 800 number is a special telephone number, in that the called party is charged the cost of the calls by the telephone carrier, instead of the calling party. The cost of the call to the called party is usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Phreaking — is a slang term coined to describe the activity of a subculture of people who study, experiment with, or explore telecommunication systems, like equipment and systems connected to public telephone networks. The term phreak is a portmanteau of the …   Wikipedia

  • Remote access — In telecommunication, the term remote access has the following meanings: #Pertaining to communication with a data processing facility from a remote location or facility through a data link. One of the more common methods of providing this type of …   Wikipedia

  • remote access — noun a) A communication with a data processing facility from a remote location or facility through a data link. b) A PABX service feature that allows a user at a remote location to access by telephone PABX features, such as access to W …   Wiktionary

  • remote access —    A PBX feature that allows a user at a remote location to access PBX features by telephone (e.g., to use WATS lines); individual authorization codes are often required …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Список крупнейших авиакомпаний мира — Содержание 1 Пассажироперевозки 1.1 Регулярные маршруты (общий объём) …   Википедия

  • Airline — For other uses, see Airline (disambiguation). Airline A Boeing 767 300ER of Delta Air Lines, one of the world s largest passenger airlines …   Wikipedia

  • Memphis, Tennessee — [1] ities in the Memphis metropolitan area|Memphis metropolitan area}} Memphis redirects here. For the ancient Egyptian capital, see Memphis, Egypt. For other uses, see Memphis (disambiguation). Memphis   City   …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der Fluggesellschaften — Eine Fluggesellschaft (auch: Luftverkehrsgesellschaft, Fluglinie oder Airline) ist ein Unternehmen, das Personen oder Frachtgut gegen Bezahlung transportiert. Sie besitzt oder mietet Flugzeuge, mit denen der Transport ermöglicht wird. Besondere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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