waterworn gravel
Смотреть что такое "waterworn gravel" в других словарях:
gravel — Waterworn rounded rock grains and fragments [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
shingle — shingle1 [shiŋ′gəl] n. [prob. < Scand, as in Norw singel, akin to MDu singele, coastal detritus < ?] Chiefly Brit. 1. large, coarse, waterworn gravel, as found on a beach 2. an area, as a beach, covered with this shingly adj. shingle2… … English World dictionary
conglomerate — noun /kənˈglɒmərət / (say kuhn glomuhruht), /kəŋ / (say kuhng ) 1. anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements. 2. Geology a rock consisting of rounded and waterworn pebbles, etc., embedded in a finer cementing material; consolidated …