watertight packing

watertight packing
гидравлическое уплотнение;
водонепроницаемое уплотнение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "watertight packing" в других словарях:

  • packing — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. the action or process of packing something; also a method of packing b. the processing of food and especially meat for future sale 2. material (as a covering or stuffing) used to protect packed goods (as for… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • packing — [pak′iŋ] n. 1. the act or process of a person or thing that packs; specif., a) the large scale, esp. commercial, processing and packaging of meats, fruits, or vegetables b) Med. the filling of a wound or cavity with gauze, etc. to permit drainage …   English World dictionary

  • packing — /ˈpækɪŋ / (say paking) noun 1. the act or work of someone or something that packs. 2. material placed around goods in the boxes, etc., in which they are sold to protect them from shock and damage in transit. 3. any material used for packing or… …  

  • водонепроницаемое уплотнение — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN watertight packing …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • wedging crib — noun or wedging curb : a curb of close fitting planks behind which wedges are driven in to make a watertight packing between the tubbing in a shaft and the rock walls …   Useful english dictionary

  • environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction       infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations …   Universalium

  • ship — shipless, adj. shiplessly, adv. /ship/, n., v., shipped, shipping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. Naut. a. a sailing vessel square rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a… …   Universalium

  • Spinnaker — For other uses, see Spinnaker (disambiguation). Bear of Britain, a Farr 52 with masthead spinnaker in front of Calshot Spit A spinnaker is a special type of sail that is designed specifically for sailing off the wind from a reaching course to a… …   Wikipedia

  • case — I n. legal action argument 1) to hear, try a case (the court will not hear this case) 2) to argue, plead a case (the lawyer argued the case skillfully) 3) to make (out), present, state; take a case (she made out a good case for her client; the… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Glossary of nautical terms — This is a glossary of nautical terms; some remain current, many date from the 17th 19th century. See also Wiktionary s nautical terms, Category:Nautical terms, and Nautical metaphors in English. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R …   Wikipedia

  • Hydroponics — (from the Greek words hydro (water) and ponos (labour) is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium,… …   Wikipedia

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