watertight alibi
Смотреть что такое "watertight alibi" в других словарях:
watertight alibi — noun an alibi that seems almost impossible to disprove; a perfect alibi. Syn: airtight alibi, iron clad alibi … Wiktionary
watertight — adjective 1 something that is watertight does not allow water to pass through it: watertight boxes 2 watertight plan/case/argument etc a plan etc that is made so carefully that there is no chance of any mistakes or problems: The police can t do… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
watertight — watertightness, n. /waw teuhr tuyt , wot euhr /, adj. 1. constructed or fitted so tightly as to be impervious to water: The ship had six watertight compartments. 2. so devised or planned as to be impossible to defeat, evade, or nullify: a… … Universalium
watertight — adjective 1) a watertight container Syn: impermeable, impervious, (hermetically) sealed; waterproof, water repellent, water resistant Ant: leaky 2) a watertight alibi Syn: indisputable … Thesaurus of popular words
watertight — /ˈwɔtətaɪt / (say wawtuhtuyt) adjective 1. impervious to water. 2. without fault; irrefutable; flawless: a watertight argument; a watertight alibi. –watertightness, noun …
watertight — wa|ter|tight [ˈwo:tətaıt US ˈwo:tər , ˈwa: ] adj 1.) a watertight container, roof, door etc does not allow water to get in or out →↑airtight 2.) an argument, plan etc that is watertight is made very carefully so that people cannot find any… … Dictionary of contemporary English
watertight — wa|ter|tight [ wɔtər,taıt ] adjective 1. ) a watertight container or room is made so that water cannot enter it 2. ) something that is watertight such as an excuse, argument, case, or ALIBI is so good that no one can find anything wrong with it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
watertight — UK [ˈwɔːtə(r)ˌtaɪt] / US [ˈwɔtərˌtaɪt] adjective 1) a watertight container or room is made so that water cannot enter it 2) something that is watertight such as an excuse, argument, case, or alibi is so good that no one can find anything wrong… … English dictionary
wa·ter·tight — /ˌwɑːtɚˈtaıt/ adj 1 : put or fit together so tightly that water cannot enter or pass through The doors/compartments are all watertight. a watertight seal 2 : too strong or effective to fail or to be defeated The evidence against the defendant was … Useful english dictionary
unshakable — adjective 1. marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable (Freq. 1) firm convictions a firm mouth steadfast resolve a man of unbendable perseverence unwavering loyalty • Syn: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Guilty Conscience (film) — Guilty Conscience is a 1985 American TV movie, airing on CBS, directed by David Greene, starring Anthony Hopkins as criminal defense attorney Arthur Jamison. The film is a drama, but also a mystery, with as many twists and turns as Arthur s own… … Wikipedia