- waterproof coating
- водонепроницаемое покрытие
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
coating — coat|ing [ˈkəutıŋ US ˈkou ] n a thin layer of something that covers a surface coating of ▪ a fine coating of dust ▪ The tent has a waterproof coating on both sides … Dictionary of contemporary English
waterproof — waterproofer, n. waterproofness, n. /waw teuhr proohf , wot euhr /, adj. 1. impervious to water. 2. rendered impervious to water by some special process, as coating or treating with rubber: a waterproof hat. n. 3. Chiefly Brit. a raincoat or… … Universalium
waterproof — /ˈwɔtəpruf / (say wawtuhproohf) adjective 1. impervious to water. 2. rendered impervious to water by some special process, as coating or treating with rubber or the like. –noun 3. any of several coated or rubberised fabrics which will hold water …
waterproof — wa•ter•proof [[t]ˈwɔ tərˌpruf, ˈwɒt ər [/t]] adj. 1) impervious to water 2) rendered impervious to water by some special process, as coating with rubber 3) brit. Chiefly Brit. a raincoat or other outer coat impervious to water 4) any fabric… … From formal English to slang
Installing building insulation — Due to the variety of building insulation materials available and the various building elements that may require insulation, there are a number of ways of installing building insulation.Where to insulateWhere to insulate depends on where your… … Wikipedia
Outline of canoeing and kayaking — Kayakers view of Lake Coniston, Cumbria The following outline is provided as an overview of canoeing and kayaking: Canoeing is an outdoor activity that involves a special kind of canoe. Open canoes may be poled (punted), sailed, lined and tracked … Wikipedia
Pertex — is a versatile, wind resistant, durable wicking fabric with more breathing ability than waterproof membranes. It is typically found in winter clothing and sleeping bags.The breathability of Pertex comes from the fabrics use of capillary action… … Wikipedia
underseal — chiefly Brit. verb coat (the underpart of a motor vehicle) with waterproof material as protection against rust. noun waterproof coating used in this way … English new terms dictionary
Pickling (metal) — Pickling is a treatment of metallic surfaces in order to remove impurities, stains, rust or scale with a solution called pickle liquor, containing strong mineral acids, before subsequent processing, such as extrusion, rolling, painting,… … Wikipedia
undercoating — noun Date: 1922 a usually asphalt based waterproof coating applied to the underside of a vehicle … New Collegiate Dictionary
Folding kayak — A folding kayak is a direct descendant of the original Inuit kayak made of animal skins stretched over frames made from wood and bones. A modern folder has a collapsable frame made of some combination of wood, aluminum and plastic, and a skin… … Wikipedia