Смотреть что такое "water-tube" в других словарях:
Water tube — Tube Tube, n. [L. tubus; akin to tuba a trumpet: cf F. tube.] 1. A hollow cylinder, of any material, used for the conveyance of fluids, and for various other purposes; a pipe. [1913 Webster] 2. A telescope. Glazed optic tube. Milton. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water tube — Wa ter tube 1. (Zo[ o]l.) One of a system of tubular excretory organs having external openings, found in many invertebrates. They are believed to be analogous in function to the kidneys of vertebrates. See Illust. under {Trematodea}, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
water tube boiler — noun A boiler consisting of a large number of closely spaced water tubes connected to one or more drums, which act as water pockets and steam separators, giving rapid water circulation and quick steaming • • • Main Entry: ↑water … Useful english dictionary
Water-tube boiler — A water tube boiler is a type of boiler in which water circulates in tubes heated externally by the fire. Water tube boilers are used for high pressure boilers. Fuel is burned inside the furnace, creating hot gas which heats up water in the steam … Wikipedia
water tube boiler — vandens vamzdžių katilas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Katilas, kurio šildomuosius paviršius sudaro vamzdžiai, kuriais cirkuliuoja šildomas vanduo ar vandens ir garo mišinys. atitikmenys: angl. water tube boiler vok. Wasserrohrkessel, m … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
water tube — noun : a tube for passing or holding water: as a. : a tube in some steam boilers in which water circulates and steam is generated b. : a tube of a system of tubular excretory organs in many invertebrates that have external openings and that are… … Useful english dictionary
water-tube boiler — /waw teuhr toohb , tyoohb , wot euhr / a boiler for generating steam by passing water in tubes (water tubes) through flames and hot gases. Cf. fire tube boiler. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
water-tube boiler — /waw teuhr toohb , tyoohb , wot euhr / a boiler for generating steam by passing water in tubes (water tubes) through flames and hot gases. Cf. fire tube boiler. [1870 75] … Useful english dictionary
water-tube boiler — /ˈwɔtə tjub ˌbɔɪlə/ (say wawtuh tyoohb .boyluh) noun a boiler in which the water passes through tubes in the combustion zone. Compare fire tube boiler …
Water tube — Водопровод … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Canada Water tube station — London stations name = Access icon manager = London Underground zone = 2 locale = Canada Water borough = Southwark start=1999 platforms= 2 tubeexits05=7.65 tubeexits07=8.949Canada Water tube station is a London Underground station at Canada Water … Wikipedia