Смотреть что такое "water-softener" в других словарях:
water softener — water .softener n 1.) [U] a chemical used for removing unwanted minerals from water 2.) a piece of equipment used for removing unwanted minerals from water … Dictionary of contemporary English
water softener — n. 1. a chemical compound added to hard water to soften it, as by precipitating out the minerals 2. a tank or other container in which water is filtered through any of various chemicals or ion exchange media for softening … English World dictionary
water softener — water ,softener noun count a substance or piece of equipment used for removing unwanted (=not wanted) MINERALS from water … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
water softener — noun a substance (such as sodium chloride) that lessens the hardness of water by replacing calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions and so gives the water more efficient sudsing power • Hypernyms: ↑softener • Hyponyms: ↑zeolite * * * ˈwater… … Useful english dictionary
water softener — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms water softener : singular water softener plural water softeners a substance or piece of equipment used for removing unwanted (= not wanted) minerals from water … English dictionary
water softener — any of a group of substances that when added to water containing calcium and magnesium ions cause the ions to precipitate or change their usual properties: used in the purification of water for the laboratory, and for giving water more efficient… … Universalium
water softener — n. device attached to a water system for removing hardness from water; substance that reduces hardness of water … English contemporary dictionary
water softener — noun a device which reduces the calcium and magnesium concentration of hard water by passing it through an ion exchange resin See Also: water softening … Wiktionary
water softener — wa′ter sof tener n. chem. any of a group of substances that when added to water containing calcium and magnesium ions cause the ions to precipitate or change their usual properties: used to purify water and increase its sudsing ability … From formal English to slang
water softener — noun 1 (U) a chemical used for removing unwanted minerals from water 2 (C) a piece of equipment used to do this … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
water softener — /ˈwɔtə sɒfənə/ (say wawtuh sofuhnuh) noun any substance or device for destroying the hardness of water, usually by causing the precipitation, or removal from solution, of the metals whose salts cause the hardness …