Смотреть что такое "water-resistant" в других словарях:
water resistant — water re.sistant adj something that is water resistant does not allow water to enter easily ▪ Is this watch water resistant? … Dictionary of contemporary English
water-resistant — water re,sistant adjective not easily damaged or removed by water: a water resistant suntan lotion … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
water-resistant — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to resist the penetration of water to some degree but not entirely … English terms dictionary
water-resistant — [wôt′ərri zis΄tənt] adj. that repels water for a short time but is not thoroughly waterproof … English World dictionary
water-resistant — ADJ GRADED Something that is water resistant does not allow water to pass through it easily, or is not easily damaged by water. Microfibre fabrics are both water resistant and windproof... The personal stereo has a water resistant outer case … English dictionary
water resistant — adjective something that is water resistant does not allow water to go through easily, but does not keep all water out: a watch that is water resistant to a depth of 50 metres … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
water-resistant — UK / US adjective not easily damaged or removed by water a water resistant sun cream … English dictionary
Water Resistant mark — Water Resistant is a common mark stamped on the back of wrist watches to indicate how well a watch is sealed against ingress of water. It is usually accompanied by an indication of the static test pressure that a sample of newly manufactured… … Wikipedia
water-resistant — adjective hindering the penetration of water a water repellent coat • Syn: ↑water repellent • Similar to: ↑impermeable … Useful english dictionary
water-resistant — adjective that slows the penetration of water (but is not waterproof) Syn: water repellent … Wiktionary
water resistant — adj. preventing penetration of water but not entirely, water repellent … English contemporary dictionary