Смотреть что такое "water-mouth" в других словарях:
water mouth — noun Scotland : a river mouth … Useful english dictionary
water-mouth — … Useful english dictionary
mouth — mouth1 W1S2 [mauθ] n plural mouths [mauðz] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(face)¦ 2 keep your mouth shut 3 open your mouth 4 (you) watch your mouth 5¦(entrance)¦ 6¦(river)¦ 7¦(bottle/container)¦ 8 big m … Dictionary of contemporary English
water — 1 noun (U) 1 LIQUID a) the clear colourless liquid that falls as rain, fills lakes and rivers, and is necessary for life to exist: This reservoir supplies the whole city with water. | The prisoners were given only bread and water. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
water — wa|ter1 W1S3 [ˈwo:tə US ˈwo:tər, ˈwa: ] n [U] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(liquid)¦ 2¦(area of water)¦ 3 waters 4 high/low water 5 uncharted/troubled/murky waters 6 be (all) water under the bridge 7 like water 8 like water off a duck s back 9 somebody s waters b … Dictionary of contemporary English
Water cure — is a form of water torture in which the victim is forced to drink large quantities of water in a short time, resulting in gastric distension, water intoxication, and possibly death.cite book|title=Oxford English Dictionary|quote=In the… … Wikipedia
Mouth (song) — Mouth Single by Merril Bainbridge from the album The Garden Released 21 November 1994 (see release hi … Wikipedia
Mouth (disambiguation) — Mouth is the orifice through which an organism intakes food. Mouth may also refer to: Mouth (water stream), the source or terminus of a water body Mouth (song), a 1995 single by Australian singer songwriter Merril Bainbridge Mouth (hieroglyph),… … Wikipedia
mouth — [mouth; ] for v. [ mouth] n. pl. mouths [mouthz] [ME < OE muth, akin to Ger mund < IE base * menth , to chew > Gr masasthai, L mandere, to chew] 1. the opening through which an animal takes in food; specif., the cavity, or the entire… … English World dictionary
water — [wôt′ər, wät′ər] n. [ME < OE wæter, akin to Ger wasser < IE * wodōr < * wed , to wet (< base * awed , to moisten, flow) > Gr hydōr, water, L unda, a wave, Russ voda, water, Ir uisce, water] 1. the colorless, transparent liquid… … English World dictionary
mouth-watering — (adj.) 1822, from MOUTH (Cf. mouth) (n.) + WATER (Cf. water) (v.) … Etymology dictionary