water-gas producer

water-gas producer
генератор водяного газа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "water-gas producer" в других словарях:

  • Water gas — is a synthesis gas, containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen. It is a useful product but requires careful handling because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas is made by passing steam over red hot coke::C + H2O → CO + H2The reaction… …   Wikipedia

  • Producer gas — The term Producer gas has different meanings in the USA and UK.USAProducer Gas is a generic term referring to:* Wood gas : produced in a gasifier to power cars with ordinary internal combustion engines. * Town gas : manufactured gas, originally… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas engine — This article is about engines that use gaseous fuel. For gasoline engines, see Petrol engine. For other uses, see Internal combustion engine. Model of an S type Hartop Gas Engine. A gas engine means an engine running on a gas, such as coal gas,… …   Wikipedia

  • Coal gas — Towngas redirects here. For the company in Hong Kong trading as Towngas , see The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited. See also: Coal gasification and Coal seam gas Coal gas (also town gas and illumination gas) is a flammable gaseous… …   Wikipedia

  • Wood gas — Woodgas flame from a vehicle gasifier unit Wood gas is a syngas fuel which can be used as a fuel for furnaces, stoves and vehicles in place of petrol, diesel or other fuels. During the production process biomass or other carbon containing… …   Wikipedia

  • Shale gas — may also refer to gas generated from oil shaleShale gas is natural gas produced from shale. Because shales ordinarily have insufficient permeability to allow significant fluid flow to a well bore, most shales are not sources of natural gas. Shale …   Wikipedia

  • Oil and gas industry in the United Kingdom — This article sets out the role of the UK oil and gas industry in the economy, energy supply and technology. It also covers the industry’s safety and environmental record and its prospects for the future. Contents 1 Location 2 Exploration and… …   Wikipedia

  • semiwater gas — “+ noun Etymology: semi + water : a producer gas intermediate in composition between water gas and air gas (sense 2) made by blowing a mixture of steam and air into a producer * * * semiwater gas noun see under ↑water • • • Main Entry: ↑semi …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mond gas — is a water coal gas that was used for the production of ammonia and as fuel gas. The gas is named after its inventor Ludwig Mond[1]. Mondgas has a high content of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia and volatile tar and a heating value 800 to 1500 …   Wikipedia

  • Manufactured gas —   A gas obtained by destructive distillation of coal or by the thermal decomposition of oil, or by the reaction of steam passing through a bed of heated coal or coke. Examples are coal gases, coke oven gases, producer gas, blast furnace gas, blue …   Energy terms

  • Fuel gas — can refer to any of several gases burned to produce thermal energy.Natural gas (methane) is the most common fuel gas, but others include: * Town gas * Syngas * Mond gas * Propane * Butane * Regasified liquified petroleum gas * Wood gas * Producer …   Wikipedia

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