Смотреть что такое "water-drainage" в других словарях:
Water drainage — Wa ter drain age (?; 48). The draining off of water. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
storm water drainage system — paviršinių nuotekų nuotakynas statusas Aprobuotas sritis vanduo apibrėžtis Paviršinių nuotekų surinkimo, transportavimo, išleidimo inžineriniai įrenginiai (nuotakai, siurblinės ir pan.). atitikmenys: angl. storm water drainage system šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Drainage gradient — Water pooling at the entrance of a banked outercurve in the opposite lane (Photo taken in Sweden) Drainage gradient (DG) is a term in road technology, defining the resulting vector of a road surface cross slope (CS) and longitudinal gradient… … Wikipedia
Water — Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and perhaps … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
water inch — Water Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water of crystallization — Water Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water on the brain — Water Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water on the chest — Water Wa ter (w[add] t[ e]r), n. [AS. w[ae]ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat[=o], O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. y dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water supply and sanitation in Portugal — is characterized by important advances in access to services, technologies and service quality over past decades (1980s ndash;1990s), partially achieved thanks to important funds from the European Union. Nevertheless, sanitation still remains… … Wikipedia
Water law — This article has been tagged mdash; please see the bottom of the page for more information. Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource. It is most closely related to property law, but has… … Wikipedia
Drainage in New Orleans — Drainage in New Orleans, Louisiana has been a major concern since the founding of the city in the early 18th century, remaining an important factor in the history of New Orleans through today. Elevation map of New Orleans. Hotter (pink) shades… … Wikipedia