- water-desalinating
- опреснительный - water-desalinating plant
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Water supply in Chennai — Chennai is one of the metros in India with chronic water problems which is dependent mostly on ground water supply. Ground water in Chennai is replenished by rain water and average rainfall in Chennai is 1276 mm. [… … Wikipedia
desalinating — de·sal·i·nate || ‚diË sælɪneɪt v. desalt, remove salt (usually from sea water) … English contemporary dictionary
Reclaimed water — Reclaimed water, sometimes called recycled water, is former wastewater (sewage) that has been treated to remove solids and certain impurities, and then allowed to recharge the aquifer rather than being discharged to surface water. This recharging … Wikipedia
Saline water — is a general term for water that contains a significant concentration of dissolved salts (NaCl). The concentration is usually expressed in parts per million (ppm) of salt. The salinity concentration level used by United States Geological Survey… … Wikipedia
Desalination — This article is about removing salt from water. For soil desalination, see Soil salinity control. Water desalination Methods Distillation Multi stage flash distillation (MSF) Multiple effect distillation (MED|ME) Vapor compression (VC) Ion… … Wikipedia
Ocean thermal energy conversion — Temperature differences between the surface and 1000m depth in the oceans Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface ocean waters to run a heat engine and produce useful work,… … Wikipedia
Overpopulation — Graph of human population from 10,000 BC–2000 AD showing the unprecedented population growth since the 19th century Overpopulation is a condition where an organism s numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. The term often refers to… … Wikipedia
Chennai MetroWater Supply and Sewage Board — Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewage Board Type Public Sector Undertaking Industry Water Supply, Sewage, Sewage Treatment, Desalination Founded 1978 … Wikipedia
desalination — [dē sā΄lə nə zā′shən, dēsal΄əzā′shəndē sal΄ə nā′shən] n. 〚 DE + SALIN(E) + ATION〛 the removal of salt, esp. from sea water to make it drinkable: also desalinization [dē sā΄lə nə … Universalium
Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal — The Red Sea Dead Sea Canal (sometimes called the Two Seas Canal) is a proposed canal which would run from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea and provide electricity and potable water to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority. This proposal has a… … Wikipedia
Renewable energy in Australia — Australia s renewable energy industries cover numerous energy sources and stages of commercialisation. Renewable energy technologies currently contribute about 6 per cent of Australia s total energy supply and some 8 per cent of Australia s… … Wikipedia