water resources
Смотреть что такое "water resources" в других словарях:
Water resources — A natural wetland Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial … Wikipedia
water resources — vandens ištekliai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Upės baseino ar bet kurios teritorijos paviršinio ir požeminio vandens bendras kiekis. atitikmenys: angl. water resources; water supply vok. Wasserdorgebot, n; Wasserreserven … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Water Resources Development Act of 1988 — (WRDA 1988), USPL|100|676, is a public law passed by Congress on November 17, 1988 concerning water resources in the United States in the areas of flood control, navigation, dredging, environment, recreation, water supply, beach nourishment and… … Wikipedia
Water Resources Development Act — (WRDA), is a reference to public laws enacted by Congress to deal with various aspects of water resources: environmental, structural, navigational, flood protection, hydrology, etc.Typically, the United States Army Corps of Engineers administers… … Wikipedia
Water Resources Development Act of 1976 — Water Resources Development Act of 1976, (WRDA 1976), USPL|94|587 is a public law enacted on October 22, 1976 by the Congress of the United States of America concerning various water resources and projects. [ [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Pakistan — Water resources= According to the United Nations World Water Development Report, the total actual renewable water resources decreased from 2,961 m³ per capita in 2000 to 1,420 m³ per capita in 2005. [cite journal last = United Nations Educational … Wikipedia
Water Resources University (Vietnam) — Water Resources University (Vietnamese language: Đại học Thủy lợi) is a university in Hanoi, Vietnam. The university was established in 1959 as the Electricity Water Resources Academy, spun off from the mother university Hanoi University of… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Peru — Source : INRENAtorage capacity and infrastructureIn 1980, INRENA established an inventory of Peru s water storage capacity, including lakes and dams. Peru has 12,201 lakes, 3,896 of which are located in the Pacific basin, 7,441 in the Atlantic… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Brazil — The 1988 Constitution established a distinction between federally controlled water, for rivers, lakes, and lagoons across state boundaries (article 20), and state controlled water, for rivers and groundwater that remain completely within state… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Colombia — Colombia has a long and well established framework for water resources management. Water resources availability per capita in Colombia was 45,408 cubic meters in 2007, way above the world’s average of 8,209. The country is particularly prone to… … Wikipedia
Water resources in Mexico — {| style= width: 25em; font size: 90%; text align: left; class= infobox !align= center bgcolor= lightblue colspan= 2 |Mexico: Water Resources #if:{ }|Water resources in many parts of Mexico are under stress, especially in the arid northwest and… … Wikipedia