water loo

water loo

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "water loo" в других словарях:

  • Water Closet — Toilette Pour les articles homonymes, voir Toilette (homonymie). Toilettes à chasse d eau avec siège, en Europe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • loo — n British a toilet. The most widespread and socially acceptable euphemism for lav atory, privy, etc. This word, which became firmly established in the mid 1960s, is a favourite of amateur etymol ogists who derive it variously from lieu ( place ,… …   Contemporary slang

  • loo — [20] Loo presents one of the more celebrated puzzles of English etymology. Not the least of its problematical points is that there is no reliable evidence of its existence before the 1920s, whereas most of its suggested sources have a more dated… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • loo — {{11}}loo (1) lavatory, 1940, but perhaps 1922, probably from Fr. lieux d aisances, lavatory, lit. place of ease, picked up by British servicemen in France during World War I. Or possibly a pun on Waterloo, based on water closet. {{12}}loo (2)… …   Etymology dictionary

  • loo — loo1 noun Brit. informal a toilet. Word History Loo meaning toilet was first recorded in the early 1930s; the origin of the word is uncertain, although various theories have been put forward. One suggests that the source is Waterloo, a trade name …   English new terms dictionary

  • loo — [20] Loo presents one of the more celebrated puzzles of English etymology. Not the least of its problematical points is that there is no reliable evidence of its existence before the 1920s, whereas most of its suggested sources have a more dated… …   Word origins

  • water closet — noun a toilet in Britain • Syn: ↑closet, ↑W.C., ↑loo • Hypernyms: ↑toilet, ↑lavatory, ↑lav, ↑can, ↑john, ↑priv …   Useful english dictionary

  • loo — Synonyms and related words: WC, backhouse, basement, bathroom, can, closet, comfort station, convenience, crapper, earth closet, head, john, johnny, johnny house, latrine, lavatory, necessary, outhouse, pot, potty, powder room, privy, rest room,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • water closet — Synonyms and related words: WC, backhouse, basement, bathroom, bedpan, can, chamber, chamber pot, chemical closet, chemical toilet, closet, comfort station, commode, convenience, crapper, earth closet, head, jerry, john, johnny, johnny house,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Jig-A-Loo — is a silicone based lubricant and water repellent spray. It doesn t stain or smell after application, and can be used on wood, metal, glass, rubber, leather, fabrics and most plastics. It has been used in the commercial and industrial sectors in… …   Wikipedia

  • Big Loo — is a very rare toy robot that was manufactured by Louis Marx and Company for the holiday season of 1963. It retailed for $9.99. The production was about 5,000 in total. The dimensions of the actual toy were 12 inches wide by 9 inches deep by 37… …   Wikipedia

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