waste area

waste area
горн. выработанное пространство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "waste area" в других словарях:

  • Waste management — is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.… …   Wikipedia

  • Waste Management, Inc — Waste Management, Inc. Type Public Traded as NYSE: WM …   Wikipedia

  • Waste — Waste, is an unwanted or undesired material or substance. It is also referred to as rubbish, trash, garbage, or junk depending upon the type of material and the regional terminology. In living organisms, waste relates to unwanted substances or… …   Wikipedia

  • waste — ► VERB 1) use carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. 2) fail to make full or good use of. 3) (be wasted on) be unappreciated by. 4) (often waste away) become progressively weaker and more emaciated. 5) literary lay waste to. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • Waste minimisation — is the process and the policy of reducing the amount of waste produced by a person or a society. It is part of the wider aim of waste reduction which is often described as a component of the waste hierarchy. In the waste hierarchy, the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Waste (law) — Waste is a term used in the law of real property to describe a cause of action that can be brought in court to address a change in condition of real property brought about by a current tenant that damages or destroys the value of that property. A …   Wikipedia

  • waste — n 1 Waste, desert, badlands, wilderness can mean a tract or region of land not usable for cultivation or general habitation. Waste is the general term applicable to a tract or region which because of natural features (as poor stony soil,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • waste — [wāst] vt. wasted, wasting [ME wasten < NormFr waster < L vastare, to lay waste, devastate (< vastus: see VAST): infl. by Gmc * wostjan > OHG wuosten] 1. to destroy; devastate; ruin 2. to wear away; consume gradually; use up 3. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Waste management university — acronym for School of Environmental and Waste Management established by Universidad Central de Nicaragua International Programs. It serves the global demand for higher education and research in the specific area of waste and environmental… …   Wikipedia

  • waste ground — or (Can) wasteˈlot noun A piece of land lying unused in a built up area • • • Main Entry: ↑waste …   Useful english dictionary

  • Area code 664 — is the local telephone area code of Montserrat. The 664 area code, or MOI was created during a split from the original 809 area code, which was done around July 1996.When in Montserrat, use the seven digits alone. When calling to Montserrat from… …   Wikipedia

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