- washings
- промои, моечная муть - char washings Мытье(мойки)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
washings — n pl material collected by the washing of a bodily cavity <sinus washings> <throat washings> … Medical dictionary
washings — wash·ing || wɑʃəbl , wÉ” / wÉ’ n. act of scrubbing or cleaning; laundry; items to be laundered; thin coating; water or residue left over after cleaning … English contemporary dictionary
dish-washings — … Useful english dictionary
Ovarian cancer — (human) Classification and external resources Micrograph of a low malignant potential mucinous ovarian tumour. H E stain. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Contemporary reaction to Ignaz Semmelweis — Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis discovered in 1847 that hand washing with a solution of chlorinated lime reduced the incidence of fatal childbed fever tenfold in maternity institutions. However, the reaction of his contemporaries was not positive; his… … Wikipedia
Ignaz Semmelweis — Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, aged 42 in 1860 pen sketch by Jenő Dopy … Wikipedia
Baptism — This article is about the Christian religious ceremony. For other uses, see Baptism (disambiguation). Baptism of Neophytes by Masaccio, 15th century, Brancacci Chapel, Florence.[ … Wikipedia
wash|ing — «WOSH ihng, WSH », noun, adjective. –n. 1. the act or action of cleaning with water: »to give a car, one s hands, or clothes, a good washing. 2. the act of washing as part of an industrial process: »the washing of coal or ore. 3. the act or… … Useful english dictionary
Sowing — is the process of planting seeds. owing in practicePretreatment of seed and soil before sowing Before sowing, certain seeds first require a treatment prior to the sowing process.This treatment may be seed scarification, stratification, seed… … Wikipedia
Washing and anointing — In the Latter Day Saint movement, washing and anointing (also called the initiatory) is an ordinance (sacrament) practiced by certain denominations of the movement in temples as part of the Endowment ceremony. The ordinance consists of a ritual… … Wikipedia
Ritual washing in Judaism — Part of Judaic series of articles on Ritual purity in Judaism … Wikipedia