washing material

washing material
моющее средство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "washing material" в других словарях:

  • Washing machine — This article is about the laundry cleaning apparatus. For the Sonic Youth album, see Washing Machine (album). A typical modern front loading washing machine Irreler Bauerntradition shows an early Miele was …   Wikipedia

  • washing — Wash Wash, n. 1. The act of washing; an ablution; a cleansing, wetting, or dashing with water; hence, a quantity, as of clothes, washed at once. [1913 Webster] 2. A piece of ground washed by the action of a sea or river, or sometimes covered and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Material culture of the Manasir — The material culture of the Manasir is very basic and primarily relies on the by products of palm tree cultivation (cf. Date cultivation in Dar al Manasir). Date trees not only constitute the main source of income and an important supply of… …   Wikipedia

  • washing — /wosh ing, waw shing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that washes; ablution. 2. clothes, linens, etc., washed or to be washed, esp. those washed at one time; wash. 3. Often, washings. any liquid that has been used to wash something. 4. matter …   Universalium

  • washing — /ˈwɒʃɪŋ / (say woshing) noun 1. the act of someone or something that washes; ablution. 2. clothes, etc., washed or to be washed, especially those washed at one time. 3. matter removed in washing something. 4. material, as gold dust, obtained by… …  

  • Washing soda — Soda So da, n. [It., soda, in OIt., ashes used in making glass, fr. L. solida, fem. of solidus solid; solida having probably been a name of glasswort. See {Solid}.] 1. (Chem.) (a) Sodium oxide or hydroxide. (b) Popularly, sodium carbonate or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • washing — noun Date: 13th century 1. the act or action of one that cleanses with water 2. material obtained by washing 3. articles washed or to be washed ; wash …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Hand washing — is the act of cleansing the hands with water or another liquid, with or without the use of soap or other detergents, for the sanitary purpose of removing soil and/or microorganisms.The main purpose of washing hands is to cleanse the hands of… …   Wikipedia

  • Coal Washing —   The treatment of coal to remove waste material such as: Dense (heavy) medium processes use a thick solution, usually a mixture of magnetite and water, to separate coal from impurities, such as sulfur, ash, and mercury, by gravity separation.… …   Energy terms

  • bag of washing — Noun. A failed parachute or other material based airfoil, such as a hang glider. Orig. Military use …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • Dishwashing — Washing dishes This article is about washing cooking utensils, dishes etc. For the period before Parliament is dissolved, see wash up period. Dish washing (British English washing up) is the process of cleaning cooking utensils, dishes …   Wikipedia

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