- wash-man
- = n washerman;
1) рабочий в прачечной, мужчина (прачка) ;
2) мойщик
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
man — man·dae·an·ism; man·da·ic; man·da·la; man·da·ment; man·dan; man·dant; man·da·pa; man·dar; man·da·rin·ate; man·da·rin·ism; man·da·tary; man·da·tee; man·da·tor; man·da·to·ri·ly; man·da·tum; man·da·ya; man·de; man·de·ism; man·del·ate; man·del·ic;… … English syllables
wash — bode·wash; wash; wash·abil·i·ty; wash·brew; wash·dish; wash·er·less; wash·er·man; wash·ery; wash·i·ness; wash·ing·ton; wash·ing·to·ni·ana; wash·i·ta; wash·man; wash·oe; wash·tail; wash·way; wash·a·te·ria; si·wash; wash·able; wash·er;… … English syllables
wash|er|man — «WOSH uhr muhn, WSH », noun, plural men. a man whose work is washing clothes … Useful english dictionary
Man v. Food Nation — Country of origin United States Broadcast Original channel Travel Channel Original run June 1, 2011 … Wikipedia
Wash-and-wear-Mantel — Wash and wear Man|tel, der (Textilind.): waschbarer u. ohne Bügeln wieder zu tragender Mantel … Universal-Lexikon
wash — wash1 W3S1 [wɔʃ US wo:ʃ, wa:ʃ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(wash something)¦ 2¦(wash yourself)¦ 3¦(flow)¦ 4 something doesn t/won t wash (with somebody) 5 wash your hands of something 6 wash your mouth out! 7 wash well Phrasal verbs wash something<=>away… … Dictionary of contemporary English
wash — wash1 W3S1 [wɔʃ US wo:ʃ, wa:ʃ] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(wash something)¦ 2¦(wash yourself)¦ 3¦(flow)¦ 4 something doesn t/won t wash (with somebody) 5 wash your hands of something 6 wash your mouth out! 7 wash well Phrasal verbs wash something<=>away… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Wash (Prison Break episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = Wash Series = Prison Break Caption = Paul Kellerman prepares for the President s assassination. Season = 2 Episode = 18 Airdate = February 26, 2007 Production = 2AKJ18 Guests = Reggie Lee, Cynthia Kaye… … Wikipedia
Wash-Out — Der Ausdruck Wash Out (dt. Auswaschung) steht in der Aerodynamik von Flugzeugen für eine veränderliche Neigung der Profilsehne in Flügelspannweitenrichtung, um das Verhalten des Strömungsabrisses zu beeinflussen. in der Meteorologie für das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Man of war — War War, n. [OE. & AS. werre; akin to OHG. werra scandal, quarrel, sedition, werran to confound, mix, D. warren, G. wirren, verwirren, to embroil, confound, disturb, and perhaps to E. worse; cf. OF. werre war, F. querre, of Teutonic origin. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wash over — verb a) To pass unnoticed so that one is unaffected by it. The news of the actors death just washed over me, as I did not particularly like the man anyway. b) Said of the way an emotion affects one suddenly. A wave of embarrasment washed over me … Wiktionary