Смотреть что такое "wash-boiler" в других словарях:
Recovery boiler — is the part of Kraft process of pulping where chemicals for white liquor are recovered and reformed from black liquor. In the process lignin of the wood, bound in black liquor at this phase, is burned and heat generated. The heat is usually used… … Wikipedia
Field-tube boiler — Field tube, sectioned A Field tube boiler (also known as a bayonet tube[1] ) is a form of water tube boiler where the water tubes are single ended. The tubes are closed at one end, and they contain a concentric inner tube. Flow is thus separated… … Wikipedia
shower — Synonyms and related words: Finnish bath, Japanese bath, Kaffeeklatsch, Russian bath, Scotch mist, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, abound, abundance, accord, administer, aerosol, affluence, afford, allot, allow, ample sufficiency, ampleness,… … Moby Thesaurus
tub — Synonyms and related words: Finnish bath, Japanese bath, Russian bath, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, aquamanile, argosy, auto, autocar, automatic dishwasher, automobile, baptize, bark, basin, bath, bathe, bathtub, bidet, blimp, boat, bottom, bowl,… … Moby Thesaurus
bath — Synonyms and related words: Finnish bath, Japanese bath, Russian bath, Swedish bath, Turkish bath, acid bath, affusion, aquamanile, aspergation, aspersion, automatic dishwasher, bagnio, balneae, balneum, baptism, basin, bathe, bathhouse, bathing … Moby Thesaurus
basin — Synonyms and related words: alkali flat, alluvial plain, alveolation, alveolus, anchorage, anchorage ground, antrum, aquamanile, armpit, automatic dishwasher, bath, bathtub, bed, berth, bidet, bottom, bottomland, bowl, breakwater, bulkhead,… … Moby Thesaurus
bathtub — Synonyms and related words: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bidet, dishpan, dishwasher, ewer, finger bowl, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, piscina, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall,… … Moby Thesaurus
bidet — Synonyms and related words: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bathtub, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, dishpan, dishwasher, draft horse, dray horse, driving horse, ewer, fill horse, filler, finger bowl, gigster, hack,… … Moby Thesaurus
dishpan — Synonyms and related words: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bathtub, bidet, dishwasher, ewer, finger bowl, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, piscina, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall,… … Moby Thesaurus
dishwasher — Synonyms and related words: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bathtub, bidet, dishpan, dishwiper, dry cleaner, ewer, finger bowl, kitchen sink, launderer, laundress, laundryman, laundrywoman, lavabo, lavatory, piscina, pot walloper,… … Moby Thesaurus
finger bowl — Synonyms and related words: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bathtub, bidet, dishpan, dishwasher, ewer, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, piscina, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall, showers,… … Moby Thesaurus