Смотреть что такое "wash-around" в других словарях:
Wash Tubbs — was a comic strip created by Roy Crane that ran from April 14, 1924 to 1988.Initially titled Washington Tubbs II , Wash Tubbs was originally a comedy, or “Bigfoot,” strip focused on the misadventures of the title character, a jazz age bumbler who … Wikipedia
Wash West — Wash Westmoreland (b. March 4, 1966) has recently emerged as a nationally known independent film director with his 2006 release, Quinceañera , which had a double Sundance win (Audience Award and Grand Jury Prize), and also picked up the Humanitas … Wikipedia
wash — ► VERB 1) clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent. 2) (of flowing water) carry or move in a particular direction. 3) be carried by flowing water. 4) (wash over) occur all around without greatly affecting. 5) literary wet or moisten. 6) … English terms dictionary
Wash Woods, Virginia — Wash Woods was a now extinct unincorporated town located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the extreme southeastern corner of Virginia in the current False Cape State Park in the independent city of Virginia Beach. Virginia s False Cape got… … Wikipedia
wash up (something) — 1. to be moved and left in another place by the flow of water. Following the sinking of the ferry, a number of bodies washed up on shore. Scattered around the bridge is a lot of debris that washed up. 2. to clean the dishes after a meal. Who s… … New idioms dictionary
wash — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wascan; akin to Old High German waskan to wash and perhaps to Old English wæter water Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. to cleanse by or as if by the action of liquid (as water) b … New Collegiate Dictionary
wash — verb 1》 clean with water and, typically, soap or detergent. ↘remove (a stain or dirt) in this way. ↘(of fabric, a garment, or dye) withstand cleaning to a specified degree without shrinking or fading. ↘do one s laundry. 2》 (of flowing … English new terms dictionary
Wash (Prison Break episode) — Infobox Television episode Title = Wash Series = Prison Break Caption = Paul Kellerman prepares for the President s assassination. Season = 2 Episode = 18 Airdate = February 26, 2007 Production = 2AKJ18 Guests = Reggie Lee, Cynthia Kaye… … Wikipedia
wash up — verb a) To clean the utensils, dishes etc. used in preparing and eating a meal. Dinner has just finished, so go and wash up. b) To wash ones hands and/or face, often around mealtimes. Dinner is almost ready, so go and wash up. Syn … Wiktionary
wash over — occur all around without greatly affecting. → wash … English new terms dictionary
The Wash — is the square mouthed estuary on the northwest margin of East Anglia on the east coast of England, where Norfolk meets Lincolnshire. It is among the largest estuaries in the United Kingdom. It is fed by the Rivers Witham, Welland, Nene and Great… … Wikipedia