wash dish
Смотреть что такое "wash dish" в других словарях:
wash-dish — … Useful english dictionary
dish — bad·dish; blan·dish; blan·dish·er; blan·dish·ment; brad·dish·er; cad·dish; cav·en·dish; clack·dish; clod·dish; dish; dish·er; dish·ful; ed·dish; fad·dish; kad·dish; kid·dish; lad·dish; mad·dish; pod·dish; red·dish; red·dish·ness; sad·dish;… … English syllables
wash — bode·wash; wash; wash·abil·i·ty; wash·brew; wash·dish; wash·er·less; wash·er·man; wash·ery; wash·i·ness; wash·ing·ton; wash·ing·to·ni·ana; wash·i·ta; wash·man; wash·oe; wash·tail; wash·way; wash·a·te·ria; si·wash; wash·able; wash·er;… … English syllables
dish|wash|er — «DIHSH WOSH uhr, WSH », noun. 1. a machine for washing dishes, pots, glasses, and silverware: »These modern heaters can deliver…superhot water for laundry and dishwasher (Harper s). 2. a person who washes dishes in a restaurant kitchen or the… … Useful english dictionary
dish|wash|ing — «DIHSH WOSH ihng, WSH », noun, adjective. –n. the washing of dishes. –adj. for washing dishes: »a dishwashing machine, a dishwashing compound … Useful english dictionary
dish|cloth — «DIHSH KLTH, KLOTH», noun. a cloth to wash dishes with; dishrag … Useful english dictionary
dish|pan — «DIHSH PAN», noun. a pan in which to wash dishes … Useful english dictionary
dish|rag — «DIHSH RAG», noun. U.S. 1. a cloth to wash dishes with; dishcloth. 2. anything wet and limp. 3. = dishcloth gourd. (Cf. ↑dishcloth gourd) … Useful english dictionary
dish|wa|ter — «DIHSH WT uhr, WOT », noun. 1. water to wash dishes with. 2. water in which dishes have been washed: »Figurative. You don t win campaigns with a diet of dishwater and milk toast (Newsweek) … Useful english dictionary
dish — dish1 S3 [dıʃ] n [: Old English; Origin: disc, from Latin discus disk, plate ] 1.) a flat container with low sides, for serving food from or cooking food in →↑bowl ▪ a serving dish ▪ an ovenproof dish dish of ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
dish — I UK [dɪʃ] / US noun Word forms dish : singular dish plural dishes ** 1) [countable] an open container like a plate, but not as deep as a bowl, used for serving or cooking food Place the fruit in a large shallow dish. an ovenproof dish a pie dish … English dictionary