Смотреть что такое "warwickite" в других словарях:
Warwickite — is an iron magnesium titanium borate mineral with formula: (MgFe)3Ti(O,BO3)2 or Mg(Ti,Fe3+,Al)(BO3)O. It occurs as brown to black prismatic orthorhombic crystals which are vitreous and transparent. It has a Mohs hardness of 3 to 4 and a specific… … Wikipedia
Warwickite — War wick*ite, n. (Min.) A dark brown or black mineral, occurring in prismatic crystals imbedded in limestone near Warwick, New York. It consists of the borate and titanate of magnesia and iron. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
warwickite — ● warwickite nom féminin (de Warwick, nom propre) Borotitanate naturel de magnésium et de fer, orthorhombique … Encyclopédie Universelle
warwickite — war·wick·ite … English syllables
warwickite — ˈwȯr(w)iˌkīt, ˈwäriˌ noun ( s) Etymology: Warwick, village of southeastern New York + English ite : a mineral (Mg, Fe)3Ti(BO4)3 consisting of a borate of titanium, iron, and magnesium and occurring in brown to black orthorhombic prisms (hardness … Useful english dictionary
List of minerals U-Z (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Rutile — Wine red rutile crystals from Binn Valley, Switzerland (Size: 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm) General Category Oxide minerals … Wikipedia
Ilmenite — from Miask, Ilmen Mts, Chelyabinsk Oblast , Southern Urals, Urals Region, Russia. 4.5 x 4.3 x 1.5 cm General Category Oxide mineral … Wikipedia
List of minerals — This is a List of minerals for which there are Wikipedia articles. Mineral variety names and mineraloids are to be listed after the valid minerals for each letter.For a complete listing (about 4,000) of all mineral names: List of minerals… … Wikipedia
Andradite — single crystal (4.2cm) Diakon, Nioro du Sahel Circle, Kayes Region, Mali General Category Garnet group … Wikipedia
Aenigmatite — General Category Silicate mineral Chemical formula Na2Fe2+5TiSi6O20 Strunz classification 9.DH.40 Cr … Wikipedia