Смотреть что такое "wartiness" в других словарях:
wartiness — noun The state or condition of being warty … Wiktionary
warty — wartiness, n. /wawr tee/, adj., wartier, wartiest. 1. having warts; covered with or as with warts. 2. resembling a wart. [1475 85; WART + Y1] * * * … Universalium
integument — /in teg yeuh meuhnt/, n. 1. a natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind. 2. any covering, coating, enclosure, etc. [1605 15; < L integumentum a covering. See IN 2, TEGUMENT] Syn. 1. cortex, involucre, involucrum. * * * Covering of the body,… … Universalium