warrant officer

warrant officer

1) уоррант-офицер (категория командного состава между унтер-офицером и офицером)
2) мичман (военное) уоррант-офицер (категория командного состава между унтер-офицером и офицером) (морское) мичман

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "warrant officer" в других словарях:

  • Warrant Officer — (WO; engl., ermächtigte Vorgesetzte) ist eine militärische Dienststellung in angloamerikanischen Streitkräften. Der Warrant Officer steht in einem besonderen Vorgesetztenverhältnis, das eine Zwitterstellung zwischen den Laufbahnen der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Warrant officer — Warrant War rant, n. [OE. warant, OF. warant a warrant, a defender, protector, F. garant, originally a p. pr. pf German origin, fr. OHG. wer[=e]n to grant, warrant, G. gew[ a]hren; akin to OFries. wera. Cf. {Guarantee}.] [1913 Webster] 1. That… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • warrant officer — warrant officers N COUNT A warrant officer is a person in the army, the air force, or the marines who is above the rank of sergeant and below the rank of lieutenant. In the United States Navy, a warrant officer is above the rank of petty officer… …   English dictionary

  • warrant officer — n. an officer of the U.S. armed forces ranking above a noncommissioned officer but below a commissioned officer and holding office on a warrant instead of a commission …   English World dictionary

  • warrant officer — ► NOUN ▪ a rank of officer in the army, RAF, or US navy, below the commissioned officers and above the NCOs …   English terms dictionary

  • warrant officer — warrant .officer n a middle rank in the army, air force, or US Navy …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • warrant officer — warrant ,officer noun count a person with a middle rank in the military …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Warrant Officer — A Warrant Officer (WO) is a member of a military organization holding one of a specific group of ranks. In most countries they are effectively senior non commissioned officers, although technically in a class of their own between NCOs and… …   Wikipedia

  • Warrant officer — W/O redirects here. W/O may also refer to Write off. Common anglophone military ranks Navies Armies Air forces Officers Admiral of the fleet Marshal / …   Wikipedia

  • warrant officer — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms warrant officer : singular warrant officer plural warrant officers a person with a middle rank in the armed forces …   English dictionary

  • warrant officer — Synonyms and related words: NCO, acting corporal, acting sergeant, admiral, captain, centurion, chief petty officer, chief warrant officer, color sergeant, commander, commodore, corporal, ensign, first sergeant, fleet admiral, havildar, lance… …   Moby Thesaurus

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