Смотреть что такое "warmups" в других словарях:
warmups — n. act or process of warming up; time spent warming up; warm up suit, suit of comfortable clothing worn before or during an athletic activityn. act or process of warming up; time spent warming up; warm up suit, suit of comfortable clothing worn… … English contemporary dictionary
War§ow — Warsow Warsow Début du projet 2000 Date de sortie 28 février 2008 (v 0.42) Licence … Wikipédia en Français
warm·up — /ˈwoɚmˌʌp/ noun, pl ups chiefly US 1 [count] : an exercise or set of exercises done to prepare for a sport or other activity She did a five minute warmup before running. often plural He injured himself during warmups. 2 [count] : something done… … Useful english dictionary
Dida (goalkeeper) — Dida Personal information Full name Nélson de Jesus Silva … Wikipedia
warmup — /wawrm up /, n. 1. an act or instance of warming up: The spectators came early to watch the players go through their warmups. The dancers went through a quick warmup. 2. the period before a radio or television broadcast when the audience is… … Universalium
Michael Bramos — Μάικλ Μπράμος Bramos with Gran Canaria during warmups. Nickname(s) The Greek Position Shooting guard Small forward … Wikipedia
Nancy Telfer — (born Lindsey) (born 8 May 1950) is a Canadian choral conductor, music educator and composer. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works 2.1 Texts 3 References … Wikipedia
Notre Dame–USC rivalry — Notre Dame vs. USC Teams Notre Dame Fighting Irish USC Trojans Originated … Wikipedia
warmup — /wawrm up /, n. 1. an act or instance of warming up: The spectators came early to watch the players go through their warmups. The dancers went through a quick warmup. 2. the period before a radio or television broadcast when the audience is… … Useful english dictionary
Super Bowl VII — Infobox SuperBowl sb name = VII visitor = Miami Dolphins home = Washington Redskins visitor abbr = MIA home abbr = WAS visitor conf = AFC home conf = NFC visitor total = 14 home total = 7 visitor qtr1 = 7 visitor qtr2 = 7 visitor qtr3 = 0 visitor … Wikipedia
Vault (gymnastics) — The vault is an artistic gymnastics apparatus, as well as the skill performed using that apparatus. Vaulting is also the action of performing a vault. Both male and female gymnasts perform the vault. The English abbreviation for the event in… … Wikipedia