warm-up period

warm-up period
период прогрева (двигателя)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "warm-up period" в других словарях:

  • Warm-up period — Время разогревания, время выхода на рабочий режим …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • warm-up — ☆ warm up [wôrm′up΄ ] n. the act or an instance of warming up adj. designating a garment, as a jacket, worn for exercising: also warmup * * * warm up or warm·up (wôrmʹŭp ) n. 1. a. The act or procedure of warming up. b. A period spe …   Universalium

  • warm — warmer, n. warmish, adj. warmly, adv. warmness, n. /wawrm/, adj., warmer, warmest, v., n. adj. 1. having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses: a warm bath …   Universalium

  • warm — adj., v., & n. adj. 1 of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature. 2 (of clothes etc.) affording warmth (needs warm gloves). 3 a (of a person, action, feelings, etc.) sympathetic; cordial; friendly; loving (a warm welcome; has a warm heart) …   Useful english dictionary

  • warm-down — /wawrm down /, n. a tapering off or recovery from strenuous physical exercise, esp. running or racing, by slowing down or doing light stretches. [by analogy with WARMUP] * * * warmˈ down noun A period of gentle exercise after strenuous physical… …   Useful english dictionary

  • warm-up — noun 1》 a period of gentle exercise or practice before a match, performance, or exercise session.     ↘(warm ups) N. Amer. a tracksuit. 2》 a period in which an audience is entertained in order to make it more receptive to the main act …   English new terms dictionary

  • warm-up — {n.} A period of exercise or practice in preparation for a game or other event. * /During the warm up the baseball players were throwing the ball around and running up and down the side of the field./ * /Before the television quiz program, there… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • warm-up — {n.} A period of exercise or practice in preparation for a game or other event. * /During the warm up the baseball players were throwing the ball around and running up and down the side of the field./ * /Before the television quiz program, there… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • warm-up — noun A period of exercise or practice in preparation for a game or other event. During the warm up the baseball players were throwing the ball around and running up and down the side of the field. Before the television quiz program, there was a… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Period of incubation — Incubation In cu*ba tion, n. [L. incubatio: cf. F. incubation.] [1913 Webster] 1. A sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, (eggs) to develop the life within, by any process. Ray. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • warm boot —    A reboot performed after the operating system has been running for some period of time, by pressing Ctrl+ Alt+Del rather than cycling the power to the computer …   Dictionary of networking

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