warm mass
Смотреть что такое "warm mass" в других словарях:
warm front — noun count the front edge of a mass of warm air that brings warm weather when it moves into an area. The front edge of a mass of cold air is called a cold front … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Mass Hystereo — EP by Mass Hystereo Released November 18, 1997 … Wikipedia
warm front — n an expression used especially in weather reports meaning the front edge of a mass of warm air ≠ ↑cold front … Dictionary of contemporary English
warm front — warm′ front n. mer a transition zone between a mass of warm air and the colder air it is replacing • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
warm front — n. Meteorol. the forward edge of an advancing mass of warm air that replaces colder air, usually while causing steady precipitation … English World dictionary
warm front — noun the front of an advancing mass of warmer air • Hypernyms: ↑front * * * noun : the forward boundary of a warm air mass moving to replace a retreating cold air mass see front illustration * * * Meteorol. a transition zone between a mass of… … Useful english dictionary
Warm front — A warm front is defined as the leading edge of an advancing mass of warm air; it separates warm air from the colder air ahead. Air masses are large bodies of air with similar properties of temperature and humidity that form over source regions,… … Wikipedia
warm front — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms warm front : singular warm front plural warm fronts science the front edge of a mass of warm air that brings warm weather when it moves into an area. The front edge of a mass of cold air is called a cold front … English dictionary
warm — adj., v., & n. adj. 1 of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature. 2 (of clothes etc.) affording warmth (needs warm gloves). 3 a (of a person, action, feelings, etc.) sympathetic; cordial; friendly; loving (a warm welcome; has a warm heart) … Useful english dictionary
warm front — A front along which warm air replaces cold air. If the warm air mass progressively passes over ground previously covered by cold air, the front will be a warm front. As this front passes an observer, the heavy stratus type of clouds and any… … Aviation dictionary
warm air mass — šiltoji oro masė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Oro masė, kurios temperatūra sąlygiškai aukštesnė, lyginant su oro mase, esančia už atmosferos fronto linijos. Atslinkusi šiltoji orų masė sukelia rūkus, žemuosius… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas