warehousing; storage

warehousing; storage
хранение товара на базе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "warehousing; storage" в других словарях:

  • storage — /stawr ij, stohr /, n. 1. the act of storing; state or fact of being stored: All my furniture is in storage. 2. capacity or space for storing. 3. a place, as a room or building, for storing. 4. Computers. memory (def. 11). 5. the price charged… …   Universalium

  • warehousing — noun depositing in a warehouse (Freq. 1) they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn my car is in storage publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing • Syn: ↑repositing, ↑reposition,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • storage — Synonyms and related words: RAM, admission, admission fee, allocation, anchorage, archives, armory, arsenal, assignment, attic, bank, basement, bay, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box, brokerage, bunker, buttery, carfare, cargo dock, cellar,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Warehousing — 1. A procedure whereby a company gradually builds up a holding of shares in a company it wishes to takeover in the future. 2. The process of storing goods within a storage facility. 1. The acquiring company warehouses small lots of shares by… …   Investment dictionary

  • warehousing — 1) The storage of goods in a warehouse. 2) Building up a holding of shares in a company prior to making a takeover bid, by buying small lots of the shares and ‘warehousing’ them in the name of nominees. The purpose is for the bidder to remain… …   Accounting dictionary

  • warehousing — 1) The storage of goods in a warehouse. 2) Building up a holding of shares in a company prior to making a takeover bid, by buying small lots of the shares and warehousing them in the name of nominees. The purpose is for the bidder to remain… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • New Orleans Cold Storage — Type Private Industry Refrigerated Warehousing and Supply Chain Management Founded New Orleans, Louisiana …   Wikipedia

  • Data Warehousing — The electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business. Warehoused data must be stored in a manner that is secure, reliable, easy to retrieve and easy to manage. The concept of data warehousing originated in 1988 with the work of… …   Investment dictionary

  • Cold Storage (supermarket) — Cold Storage Type Subsidiary Industry Retail Founded 1903 Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Automated Storage and Retrieval System — image showing the inside of an ASRS at the Defense Visual Information Center which is used for the storage of media items such as film canisters.] Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (often referred to as ASRS or AS/RS) refers to a variety of …   Wikipedia

  • cold storage — Synonyms and related words: abandonment, abeyance, abjuration, abjurement, cessation, conservation, coolerman, coolhouse, custody, dead storage, desistance, discontinuance, doldrums, dormancy, dry storage, forbearance, freezer locker, frigidarium …   Moby Thesaurus

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