Wardroom — Ward room , n. 1. (Naut.) A room occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers of a war vessel. See {Gunroom}. Totten. [1913 Webster] 2. A room used by the citizens of a city ward, for meetings, political caucuses, elections, etc. [U. S.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wardroom — ► NOUN ▪ a commissioned officers mess on board a warship … English terms dictionary
wardroom — [wôrd′ro͞om΄] n. [ WARD, n. + ROOM] 1. in a warship, a compartment used for eating and lounging by commissioned officers, except, usually, the captain 2. these officers collectively … English World dictionary
Wardroom — The wardroom is the officers mess in a warship. The term wardroom can also be used metonymically to refer to a ship s officer corps.It provides a place of recreation as well as being a dining room. Usually, a galley or scullery adjoins the… … Wikipedia
wardroom — UK [ˈwɔː(r)dˌruːm] / US [ˈwɔrdˌrum] noun [countable] Word forms wardroom : singular wardroom plural wardrooms a room on a warship used by all the officers except for the captain … English dictionary
wardroom — noun a) The living quarters of a ship designated for the commissioned officers other than the captain. The captain rarely referred to his wardroom for advice, and this lead to their malcontent. b) The commissioned officers of a ship, excluding… … Wiktionary
wardroom — noun Date: 1748 the space in a warship allotted for living quarters to the commissioned officers excepting the captain; specifically the mess assigned to these officers … New Collegiate Dictionary
wardroom — /wawrd roohm , room /, n. (on a warship) 1. the area serving as the living quarters for all commissioned officers except the commanding officer. 2. the dining saloon and lounge for these officers. 3. these officers collectively. [1795 1805; WARD… … Universalium
wardroom — ward|room [ˈwo:drum, ru:m US ˈwo:rd ] n the space in a ↑warship where the officers live and eat, except for the captain … Dictionary of contemporary English
wardroom — ward|room [ wɔrd,rum ] noun count a room on a WARSHIP used by all the officers except for the CAPTAIN … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wardroom — quarters for ship s officers Nautical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary