war|lord — war lord or war|lord «WR LRD», noun. 1. a military commander or commander in chief, especially one who has sovereign authority in a particular country or region, whether conferred under law or usurped by force. 2. the military head of a province… … Useful english dictionary
war lord — or war|lord «WR LRD», noun. 1. a military commander or commander in chief, especially one who has sovereign authority in a particular country or region, whether conferred under law or usurped by force. 2. the military head of a province in China… … Useful english dictionary
war|lord|ism — «WR LR dihz uhm», noun. the principles and practices of a war lord … Useful english dictionary
war lord — /ˈwɔ lɔd/ (say waw lawd) noun 1. a military commander or commander in chief, especially of a warlike country. 2. a military leader, especially one who has seized power in part of a country: the Chinese war lords …
war lord — highest authority, supreme commander … English contemporary dictionary
war·lord — /ˈwoɚˌloɚd/ noun, pl lords [count] : a leader of a military group who is not officially recognized and who fights against other leaders, groups, or governments … Useful english dictionary
war-lord — … Useful english dictionary
The War Lord — Infobox Film name = The War Lord image size = caption = film poster by Howard Terpning director = Franklin J. Schaffner producer = Walter Seltzer writer = John Collier Millard Kaufman Leslie Stevens narrator = starring = Charlton Heston Richard… … Wikipedia
The War Lord — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda The War Lord (El señor de la guerra) es una película de Franklin Schaffner, de 1965. Se trata de un intento de aproximación a la mentalidad feudal, con alguna servidumbre del western. Bien ambientado, acción adecuada … Wikipedia Español
Lord Of War — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Seigneurs de guerre (homonymie). Lord of War (Le seigneur de guerre au Québec) est un film américain écrit et réalisé par Andrew Niccol, sorti en 2005. Sommaire 1 Synopsis … Wikipédia en Français
Lord of war — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Seigneurs de guerre (homonymie). Lord of War (Le seigneur de guerre au Québec) est un film américain écrit et réalisé par Andrew Niccol, sorti en 2005. Sommaire 1 Synopsis … Wikipédia en Français