Смотреть что такое "war-correspondent" в других словарях:
War correspondent — A war correspondent is a journalist who covers stories firsthand from a war zone. In the 19th century they were also called Special Correspondents. Contents 1 Methods 2 History 2.1 Crimean War 2.2 … Wikipedia
war correspondent — war′ correspond ent n. jou a reporter or commentator assigned to send news or opinions directly from battle areas • Etymology: 1860–65, amer … From formal English to slang
war correspondent — noun a journalist who sends news reports and commentary from a combat zone or place of battle for publication or broadcast • Hypernyms: ↑correspondent, ↑newspaperman, ↑newspaperwoman, ↑newswriter, ↑pressman … Useful english dictionary
war correspondent — news writer who reports on war … English contemporary dictionary
war correspondent — a reporter or commentator assigned to send news or opinions directly from battle areas. [1860 65, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
war correspondent — /ˈwɔ kɒrəˌspɒndənt/ (say waw koruh.sponduhnt) noun a journalist employed by a newspaper, etc., to send home firsthand reports from a battle area …
Sarah Wilson (war correspondent) — Lady Sarah Wilson during the Siege of Mafeking during the Second Boer War. Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson (1865 1929), was the youngest daughter of John Spencer Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough and Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane, aunt of… … Wikipedia
War photography — War photographer redirects here. For the 2001 documentary, see War Photographer. The field at Antietam, American Civil War by Alexander Gardner, 1862. War photography captures photographs of armed conflict and life in war torn areas. Although… … Wikipedia
War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning — is a 2002 nonfiction book by Chris Hedges. In the book, Hedges draws on classical literature and his experiences as a war correspondent to argue that war seduces entire societies, creating fictions that the public believes and relies on to… … Wikipedia
Correspondent — Foreign correspondent redirects here. For other uses, see Correspondent (disambiguation). Correspondent from Press TV in Madrid. A correspondent or on the scene reporter is a journalist or commentator, or more gene … Wikipedia
correspondent — n. a foreign; special; war correspondent * * * [ˌkɒrɪ spɒnd(ə)nt] special war correspondent war correspondent a foreign … Combinatory dictionary