- war bonnet
- (американизм) головной убор индейского воина (из перьев)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
war bonnet — ☆ war bonnet n. a ceremonial headdress worn by some North American Indian warriors, consisting of a headband and trailing part studded with feathers … English World dictionary
War bonnet — Feathered war bonnets (also called warbonnets or headdresses) were a military decoration developed by the Plains Indians. The eagle was considered by the Indian as the greatest and most powerful of all birds and thus, the finest bonnets were made … Wikipedia
war bonnet — war′bon net or war′ bon net n. ant an American Indian headdress consisting of a headband with a tail of feathers • Etymology: 1800–10 … From formal English to slang
war bonnet — an American Indian headdress consisting of a headband with a tail of ornamental feathers. [1800 10] * * * … Universalium
war bonnet — noun A ceremonial headdress, decorated with a trail extension of eagle feathers, worn by some American Indians … Wiktionary
war bonnet — an American Indian headdress consisting of a headband with a tail of ornamental feathers. [1800 10] … Useful english dictionary
Best Western War Bonnet Inn — (Miles City,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 1015 South Haynes Aven … Каталог отелей
Bonnet — may refer to:;Headgear * Bonnet (headgear) * Feather bonnet, worn by Scottish regiments * Glengarry, type of cap also called a Glengarry bonnet * Tam o shanter (hat), distinctive Scottish bonnet * War bonnet, feathered headgear worn as military… … Wikipedia
bonnet — bonnetless, adj. bonnetlike, adj. /bon it/, n. 1. a hat, usually tying under the chin and often framing the face, formerly much worn by women but now worn mostly by children. 2. Informal. any hat worn by women. 3. Chiefly Scot. a man s or boy s… … Universalium
bonnet — noun 1》 a woman s or child s hat tied under the chin and with a brim framing the face. 2》 a soft brimless hat like a beret, worn by men and boys in Scotland. ↘Heraldry the velvet cap within a coronet. 3》 (also war bonnet) the ceremonial… … English new terms dictionary
Bonnet [2] — Bonnet, die Familie stammt aus Frankreich, aber in Folge der Bedrückungen, welche die Protestanten im 16. Jahrh. erfuhren, namentlich nach der Pariser Bluthochzeit, wanderten mehrere Mitglieder derselben aus u. wendeten sich nach Genf, England u … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon