- war baby
- ребенок, родившийся во время войны (особенно внебрачный) (военное) (разговорное) офицер военного времени;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
War baby (disambiguation) — War baby usually refers to any child born during wartime, particularly during World War I or World War II. Other usages of the term include:*War baby (business), a slang term for is a firm whose share price rises during wartime, often a defense… … Wikipedia
war baby — war′ ba by n. 1) a child born or conceived in wartime 2) an illegitimate child born in wartime of a father in the armed forces • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
war baby — /ˈwɔ beɪbi/ (say waw baybee) noun Colloquial 1. a baby conceived in wartime, especially as the unplanned or illegitimate child of a serviceman. 2. World War I a young and inexperienced soldier …
war baby — noun conceived or born during war • Hypernyms: ↑baby, ↑babe, ↑infant … Useful english dictionary
war baby — {n.}, {informal} A person born during a war. * /War babies began to increase college enrollments early in the 1960s./ * /The war babies forced many towns to build new schools./ … Dictionary of American idioms
war baby — {n.}, {informal} A person born during a war. * /War babies began to increase college enrollments early in the 1960s./ * /The war babies forced many towns to build new schools./ … Dictionary of American idioms
war\ baby — noun informal A person born during a war. War babies began to increase college enrollments early in the 1960s. The war babies forced many towns to build new schools … Словарь американских идиом
war baby — noun Date: 1901 a person born or conceived during a war … New Collegiate Dictionary
war baby — 1. a child born or conceived in wartime. 2. an illegitimate child born in wartime of a father in the armed forces. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
war baby — noun a child born in wartime, especially one fathered illegitimately by a serviceman … English new terms dictionary
Baby Lilly — (frz. Bébé Lilly) ist eine Animationsfigur und ein Musikprojekt aus Frankreich, das seit 2006 zahlreiche Charterfolge feiern konnte. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Baby Lilly 2 Diskografie 2.1 Singles 2.2 Alben … Deutsch Wikipedia