- wall-eye
- ˈwɔ:laɪ сущ.
1) бельмо
2) глаз с бельмом (медицина) бельмо, лейкома роговицы;
глаз с белой радужкой (расходящееся) косоглазие пучеглазие pl выпученные глаза
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wall-eye — n. [See {Wall eyed}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An eye in which the iris is of a very light gray or whitish color; said usually of horses. Booth. [1913 Webster] Note: Jonson has defined wall eye to be a disease in the crystalline humor of the eye; glauc … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wall|eye — «WL Y», noun. 1. an eye having a whitish iris, so that it has little or no color. 2. a) a turning of one or both eyes away from the nose, a form of strabismus. b) an eye having such a condition, so as to show a large amount of white. 3. a large,… … Useful english dictionary
wall-eye hornycheek sea perch — paprastasis dygliagalvis jūrešeris statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Ostracoberyx dorygensis angl. wall eye hornycheek sea perch rus. обыкновенный остракоберикс ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
wall-eye — n. 1 a an eye with a streaked or opaque white iris. b an eye squinting outwards. 2 an American perch, Stizostedion vitreum, with large prominent eyes. Derivatives: wall eyed adj. Etymology: back form. f. wall eyed: ME f. ON vagleygr f. vagl… … Useful english dictionary
wall eye — noun 1》 an eye squinting outwards. 2》 an eye with a streaked or opaque white iris. 3》 (walleye) a North American pikeperch with large, opaque silvery eyes. [Stizostedion vitreum.] Derivatives wall eyed adjective Origin C16: back form. from… … English new terms dictionary
wall-eye — n. eye with light grey or whitish iris or cornea, or showing abnormal amount of white by turning outwards. ♦ wall eyed, a … Dictionary of difficult words
wall eye — n. large eyed North American fish of the perch family; condition of having a light colored eye or a whitish ring around the iris of the eye; condition of having an eye or eyes that turn outward (Ophthalmology) … English contemporary dictionary
wall-eye — 1. SYN: exotropia. 2. Absence of color in the iris, or leukoma of the cornea … Medical dictionary
wall eye — 1. leukoma of the cornea. 2. exotropia … Medical dictionary
wall·eye — … Useful english dictionary
wall eye — … Useful english dictionary