wall pocket

wall pocket
гнездо балки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wall pocket" в других словарях:

  • wall pocket —    See pocket …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Pocket door — A pocket door is a sliding door that slides along its length and disappears, when open, into a compartment in the adjacent wall. Pocket doors are used for architectural effect, or when there is no room for the swing of a conventional door. They… …   Wikipedia

  • pocket door — noun : a usually interior door that opens by gliding along a track into a recess in the wall * * * a door, usually one of a communicating pair, that slides into and out of a recess in a doorway wall. * * * pocket door, a door that slides into a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pocket Tanks — is a 1 2 player computer game for Windows and Mac OS X, created by Blitwise Productions, developer of Super DX Ball and Neon Wars . Adapted from Michael Welch s earlier Amiga game Scorched Tanks , this newer version features modified physics,… …   Wikipedia

  • pocket — pocketless, adj. pocketlike, adj. /pok it/, n. 1. a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles. 2. a bag or pouch. 3. means; financial resources: a selection of gifts to… …   Universalium

  • pocket — pock•et [[t]ˈpɒk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) clo a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles 2) means; financial resources: gifts to suit every pocket[/ex] 3) a bag or pouch 4) any… …   From formal English to slang

  • Pocket knife — A pocket knife is a folding knife with one or more blades that fit inside the handle that can still fit in a pocket. It is also known as a jackknife or jack knife.[1][2] Blades can range from 1 cm (1/2 inch) to as much as 30 cm… …   Wikipedia

  • pocket gopher — any of numerous burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae, of western and southern North America and Central America, having large, external, fur lined cheek pouches. Also called gopher, pocket rat, pouched rat. See illus. under gopher1. [1870 75 …   Universalium

  • Wall of Sound — The Wall of Sound is a music production technique for pop and rock music recordings developed by record producer Phil Spector at Gold Star Studios during the 1960s. Spector, working with audio engineers such as Larry Levine, created a dense,… …   Wikipedia

  • pocket — 1. A cul de sac or pouchlike cavity. 2. A diseased gingival attachment; a space between the inflamed gum and the surface of a tooth, limited apically by an epithelial attachment. 3. To enclose within a confined space, as the …   Medical dictionary

  • pocket — Synonyms and related words: CAT, Swiss bank account, abstract, acquire, aerospace, aerosphere, air hole, air pocket, airspace, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, appropriate, area, armpit, assets, baby, baby sized, bag, balance, balloon, bank account …   Moby Thesaurus

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