wages fund

wages fund
сущ. фонд заработной платы The British economist John Mill, among others, propounded the so-called wages-fund theory. ≈ Английский экономист Джон Милл, среди прочего, предложил т.н. теорию фонда заработной платы.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wages fund" в других словарях:

  • Wages fund — Wages Wa ges (w[=a] j[e^]z), n. plural in termination, but singular in signification. [Plural of wage; cf. F. gages, pl., wages, hire. See {Wage}, n.] 1. A compensation given to a hired person for services; price paid for labor; recompense; hire …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wages fund — wage fund, wages fund or wages fund theory noun The former theory that there is at any given time in a country a determinate amount of capital available for the payment of labour, therefore the average wage depends on the proportion of this fund… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wages-fund theory — noun see wage fund theory * * * wage fund, wages fund or wages fund theory noun The former theory that there is at any given time in a country a determinate amount of capital available for the payment of labour, therefore the average wage depends …   Useful english dictionary

  • wages fund — aggregate capital that exists at any time in any country which theoretically is hypothetically intended for paying out in wages …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Wages — Wa ges (w[=a] j[e^]z), n. plural in termination, but singular in signification. [Plural of wage; cf. F. gages, pl., wages, hire. See {Wage}, n.] 1. A compensation given to a hired person for services; price paid for labor; recompense; hire. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wage-fund theory — noun or wages fund theory : a theory in economics: there is at any one time a rigid capital fund available for wage payments, and increases in wage rates to any groups will only redistribute wage payments, not increase the aggregate of wages paid …   Useful english dictionary

  • wage fund — wage fund, wages fund or wages fund theory noun The former theory that there is at any given time in a country a determinate amount of capital available for the payment of labour, therefore the average wage depends on the proportion of this fund… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wage-fund doctrine — The Wage Fund Doctrine is an expression that comes from early economic theory that seeks to show that the amount of money a worker earns in wages, paid to them from a fixed amount of funds available to employers each year (capital), is determined …   Wikipedia

  • List of minimum wages by country — The list below gives the official minimum wage rates in 197 countries and territories: 192 United Nations member states (does not include South Sudan, which gained independence in July 2011), plus the Republic of China (Taiwan), Northern Cyprus,… …   Wikipedia

  • Central Provident Fund - CPF — A mandatory benefit account set up to provide Singaporeans with a healthy retirement plan. The Central Provident Fund (CPF) was first introduced in 1948 by the Progressive Party to help ensure that Singaporeans would save up for retirement. Many… …   Investment dictionary

  • Social Security Trust Fund — The Social Security Trust Fund is the means by which the federal government of the United States accounts for excess paid in contributions from workers and employers to the Social Security system that are not required to fund current benefit… …   Wikipedia

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