wage schedule
Смотреть что такое "wage schedule" в других словарях:
wage schedule — noun a schedule of wages paid for different jobs • Syn: ↑wage scale • Hypernyms: ↑scale, ↑scale of measurement, ↑graduated table, ↑ordered series • Hyponyms: ↑sliding scal … Useful english dictionary
wage scale — noun a schedule of wages paid for different jobs • Syn: ↑wage schedule • Hypernyms: ↑scale, ↑scale of measurement, ↑graduated table, ↑ordered series • Hyponyms: ↑slidin … Useful english dictionary
wage scale — 1. a schedule of wages paid workers performing related tasks in an industry or shop. 2. a particular employer s wage schedule. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
wage scale — ☆ wage scale n. 1. a schedule of wages paid for the performance of related jobs or tasks in a given industry, plant, locality, etc. 2. the schedule of wages paid by a given employer … English World dictionary
wage scale — wage′ scale n. bus a schedule of wages paid workers performing related tasks in an industry or shop • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
wage scale — noun Date: 1900 a schedule of wage rates for related tasks; broadly the general level of wages in an industry or region … New Collegiate Dictionary
wage structure — noun : the schedule of wage differentials among jobs in a plant, industry, or country … Useful english dictionary
General Schedule — (or GS) is the name used to describe a payscale utilized by the majority of white collar personnel in the civil service of the federal government of the United States. The GS was enacted into law by the Classification Act of 1949, which replaced… … Wikipedia
Executive Schedule — The Executive Schedule (usc|5|5311|5318) contains the pay rates for executive positions in the United States Government classified above the Senior Executive Service. The incumbents of positions listed under the Executive Schedule are typically… … Wikipedia
Postal Service schedule — (PS) The wage structure that applies to USPS craft employees … Glossary of postal terms
LTA — 1) Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisung EN airworthiness certificate 2) Lohn und Tarifpolitischer Ausschuß EN Wage and Wage Schedule Policy Committee 3) Lohntarifabkommen EN wage schedule agreement … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen