- wage rate book
- тарифно-квалификационный справочник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wage slavery — is a term first coined by the Lowell Mill Girls in 1836, [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=YXT kSv1btIC pg=PA87 lpg=PA87 dq=lowell+%22wage+slavery%22 source=web ots=WsT3bkI 0G sig=w7N0JGBskFiUHReS 00amVMNaPY hl=en Artisans Into Workers: Labor… … Wikipedia
Wage labour — is the socioeconomic relationship between a worker and an employer in which the worker sells their labour under a contract (employment), and the employer buys it, often in a labour market. [Deakin, Simon; Wilkinson, Frank.… … Wikipedia
Wage regulation — refers to attempts by a government to regulate wages paid to citizens.Minimum wageMinimum wage regulation attempts to set an hourly, or other periodic monetary standard for pay at work. A recent example was the U.K. National Minimum Wage Act 1998 … Wikipedia
Minimum wage — A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labour. Although minimum wage laws are in effect in a great many… … Wikipedia
Natural rate of unemployment — The natural rate of unemployment is a concept of economic activity developed in particular by Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps in the 1960s. [Both are recipients of the Nobel prize in economics; Friedman in 1976 and Phelps in 2006. In both cases … Wikipedia
National Minimum Wage Act 1998 — Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title ... Statute book chapter 1998 … Wikipedia
Minimum wage history — The history of minimum wage is about the attempts and measures governments have made to introduce a standard amount of periodic pay below which employers could not let their workers fall.In 1824 in Victoria, Australia, an amendment to the… … Wikipedia
Tendency of the rate of profit to fall — The tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF) is a hypothesis in economics and political economy, most famously expounded by Karl Marx in chapter 13 of Das Kapital Vol. 3. It was generally accepted in the 19th century. Economists as diverse… … Wikipedia
Golden Rule savings rate — In economics, the Golden Rule savings rate is the rate of savings which maximizes steady state growth consumption in the Solow growth model. It is a term attributedref|PhelpsAttribution to Edmund Phelps who wrote in 1961 that the Golden Rule do… … Wikipedia
Nobuo Okishio — (置塩 信雄?, January 2, 1927, Hyōgo ku, Kobe – November 13, 2003) was a Japanese Marxian economist and emeritus professor of Kobe University. In 1979, He was elected President of Japan Association of Economics and Econometrics, which is now… … Wikipedia
Classical theory of growth and stagnation — Classical economics refers to work done by a group of economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theories developed mainly focused on the way market economies functioned. Classical Economics study mainly concentrates on the… … Wikipedia