wage against

wage against
вести войну, бороться to wage a campaign against smoking ≈ вести/проводить кампанию по борьбе с курением In the past, the great powers would wage war against helpless little countries so as to gain their land. ≈ Раньше супердержавы часто вели войны против небольших ослабленных стран с целью завоевать их территорию.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wage against" в других словарях:

  • Wage — Wage, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Waged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Waging}.] [OE. wagen, OF. wagier, gagier, to pledge, promise, F. gager to wager, lay, bet, fr. LL. wadium a pledge; of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. wadi a pledge, gawadj[=o]n to pledge, akin to E …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wage — I n. 1) to draw, earn a wage 2) to pay a wage 3) to freeze wages 4) a decent, living; minimum; subsistence wage (to pay workers a decent wage) 5) an annual, yearly; daily; hourly; monthly; weekly wage II v. (D; tr.) to wage against (to wage a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Wage slavery — is a term first coined by the Lowell Mill Girls in 1836, [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=YXT kSv1btIC pg=PA87 lpg=PA87 dq=lowell+%22wage+slavery%22 source=web ots=WsT3bkI 0G sig=w7N0JGBskFiUHReS 00amVMNaPY hl=en Artisans Into Workers: Labor… …   Wikipedia

  • wage — wage1 W3 [weıdʒ] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old North French; Origin: guarantee, wage ] 1.) [singular] also wages [plural] money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work →↑salary ▪ He earns a good wage …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wage — 1 noun 1 (singular) also wages (plural) money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work: The job s not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. | wage increase also wage rise BrE: The wage increases will …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • To wage battle — Wage Wage, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Waged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Waging}.] [OE. wagen, OF. wagier, gagier, to pledge, promise, F. gager to wager, lay, bet, fr. LL. wadium a pledge; of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. wadi a pledge, gawadj[=o]n to pledge, akin… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To wage one's law — Wage Wage, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Waged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Waging}.] [OE. wagen, OF. wagier, gagier, to pledge, promise, F. gager to wager, lay, bet, fr. LL. wadium a pledge; of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. wadi a pledge, gawadj[=o]n to pledge, akin… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wage — wageless, adj. wagelessness, n. /wayj/, n., v., waged, waging. n. 1. Often, wages. money that is paid or received for work or services, as by the hour, day, or week. Cf. living wage, minimum wage. 2. Usually, wages. Econ. the share of the… …   Universalium

  • wage — /weɪdʒ / (say wayj) noun 1. (often plural) that which is paid for work or services, as by the day or week; hire; pay. 2. (plural) Economics the share of the products of industry received by labour for its work, as distinct from the share going to …  

  • Minimum wage — A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labour. Although minimum wage laws are in effect in a great many… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum wage in Hong Kong — The Legislative Council voted to introduce a minimum wage in Hong Kong in July 2010.[1] The executive branch proposed a minimum wage of HK$28 ( US$3.60) per hour in November 2010, which the Legislative Council voted to accept after much debate in …   Wikipedia

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