vulgar herd

vulgar herd
презр. чернь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vulgar herd" в других словарях:

  • vulgar — /ˈvʌlgə / (say vulguh) adjective 1. marked by ignorance of or want of good breeding or taste, as manners, actions, language, dress, display, etc.: her appearance and manners were very vulgar. 2. crude; coarse; unrefined. 3. obscene; indecent: a… …  

  • herd — I. n. 1. Drove (of the larger animals). 2. Crowd, rabble, multitude, populace, vulgar herd (ignobile vulgus). II. v. n. Associate (as beasts), keep company …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Commonalty — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Commonalty >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 commonalty commonalty democracy Sgm: N 1 obscurity obscurity Sgm: N 1 low condition low condition low life low society low company Sgm: N 1 bourgeoisie bourgeoisie …   English dictionary for students

  • rabble — n. 1. Mob, rout, rabble rout, tumultuous crowd of vulgar people; confused, disorderly crowd. 2. Populace, commonalty, herd, dregs of the people, the common people, scum of society, lowest class of people, lower classes, the masses, riff raff,… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Classics — For other uses, see Classics (disambiguation). Classical literature redirects here. For literature in classical languages outside the Graeco Roman sphere, see Ancient literature. Classicist redirects here. For the art movement, see Classicist… …   Wikipedia

  • canaille — n. [Fr.] Populace, rabble, mob, riffraff, the vulgar, the crowd, vulgar herd, the ignoble vulgar, low people, lowest class of people, the multitude, the million, scum of society, dregs of society, ignobile vulgus, rag tag, tag rag, tag rag and… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • crowd — I. n. 1. Throng, multitude, concourse, host, herd, horde. 2. Rabble, mob, populace, vulgar herd, lower classes, lower orders, common people, ignobile vulgus, profanum vulgus. II. v. a. 1. Fill by compression, fill to excess. 2. Compress, cram,… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • populace — n. Commonalty, the people, the crowd, the multitude, the many, the masses, the million, the vulgar herd, the common people, the lower classes, the vulgar, the humbler classes, mob, rabble …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • people — I. n. 1. Tribe, nation, race, clan, family. 2. Population, folks, persons, the public, the community, the bulk of mankind. 3. Commonalty, populace. 4. Rabble, mob, the vulgar, vulgar herd, lower classes, humbler classes, the multitude, the… …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • polloi — n the common people, the masses, the vulgus, Archaic. the vulgar; commonalty, commonage, citizenry, demos; proletariat, plebians, third estate, bourgeoisie; the multitude, the many, the populace, Chiefly Brit. admass, rank and file; rag, tag, and …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • people — n 1. humans, human beings, human race, members of the human race, humankind, mankind, race of man, Latin. Homo. Homo sapiens; mortals, persons, souls, living souls; men, women, children, individuals; everybody, Fr. tout le monde. the whole world …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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