vulgar Latin
Смотреть что такое "vulgar Latin" в других словарях:
Vulgar Latin — (in Latin, sermo vulgaris , folk speech ) is a blanket term covering the popular dialects and sociolects of the Latin language which diverged from each other in the early Middle Ages, evolving into the Romance languages by the 9th century. The… … Wikipedia
Vulgar Latin — n. the everyday speech of the Roman people, from which the Romance languages developed; popular Latin as distinguished from standard or literary Latin … English World dictionary
vulgar Latin — ► NOUN ▪ informal Latin of classical times … English terms dictionary
Vulgar Latin — popular Latin, as distinguished from literary or standard Latin, esp. those spoken forms of Latin from which the Romance languages developed. Abbr.: VL [1810 20] * * * ▪ language spoken form of non Classical Latin from which originated the… … Universalium
Vulgar Latin — noun nonclassical Latin dialects spoken in the Roman Empire; source of Romance languages • Hypernyms: ↑Low Latin * * * ˌvulgar ˈLatin 7 [vulgar Latin] noun uncountable the spoken form of Latin which wa … Useful english dictionary
Vulgar Latin vocabulary — is the vocabulary of Vulgar Latin, i.e. the everyday level of the Classical and Late Antique Latin language. Historical overview Like all languages, Latin possessed numerous synonyms that were associated with different speech registers. Some of… … Wikipedia
Vulgar Latin — Vul′gar Lat′in n. peo popular Latin, as distinguished from literary or standard Latin, esp. those spoken forms of Latin from which the Romance languages developed Abbr.: VL • Etymology: 1810–20 … From formal English to slang
Vulgar Latin — /vʌlgə ˈlætn/ (say vulguh latn) noun popular Latin, as opposed to literary or standard Latin, especially those forms of popular Latin speech from which sprang the Romance languages of later times …
Vulgar Latin — noun The Latin language as spoken by the Roman people, as opposed to Classical Latin as written in formal literature until about 4c. See Also: Vulgate … Wiktionary
Vulgar Latin — noun Date: 1643 the nonclassical Latin of ancient Rome including the speech of plebeians and the informal speech of the educated established by comparative evidence as the chief source of the Romance languages … New Collegiate Dictionary
vulgar Latin — noun informal Latin of classical times … English new terms dictionary