Смотреть что такое "vroom" в других словарях:
vroom — vroom … Dictionnaire des rimes
Vroom — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Cornelis Hendricksz. Vroom der Ältere war ein niederländischer Bildhauer Frederick Hendricksz. Vroom I. (†1593), Bruder des Cornelis Hendricksz. Vroom der Ältere, war Stadtarchitekt von Danzig Hendrick… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vroom — Éditeur Lankhor Développeur Lankhor Concepteur Daniel Macré Date de sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Vroom — may refer to: People *Cornelis Vroom (1591 1661), a Dutch painter of the Baroque era *Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom (1566–1640), a Dutch painter *Peter Dumont Vroom (1791–1873), the 9th Governor of New Jersey, serving two terms in office; 1829–1832… … Wikipedia
Vroom — [v ], 1) Cornelis Hendriksz., niederländischer Maler, * Haarlem um 1591, begraben ebenda 16. 9. 1661, Sohn von 2); schuf, von A. Elsheimer ausgehend, den Typus der stimmungsvollen einsamen Waldlandschaft, der von seinem Schüler J. van… … Universal-Lexikon
vroom — fonosimb. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} voce che riproduce il rombo del motore di un veicolo in fase di accelerazione; anche s.m.inv. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1983. ETIMO: orig. onom … Dizionario italiano
vroom — [ vrum ] interjection used for representing the loud sound that a vehicle makes when it is moving very fast … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vroom — 1967, echoic of the sound of a motor engine revving … Etymology dictionary
vroom — [vro͞om] n. [echoic] the sound made by a motor vehicle in accelerating vi. Informal to make, or move off with, this sound … English World dictionary
vroom — ● vroum ou vroom interjection Exprime la vitesse, l accélération d un véhicule : Vroum, la moto démarre ! vroum ou vroom [vʀum] interj. ÉTYM. V. 1960. ❖ ♦ Onomatopée imitant un bruit de … Encyclopédie Universelle
vroom — AND varoom [vrum AND va”rum] 1. interj. the noise of a loud engine. (Onomatopoetic.) □ Vroom, varoom went the engine as Vic gunned it over and over. □ Suddenly, vroom, a plane passed low overhead. 2. in. to move rapidly from place to place; to… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions