votive mass
Смотреть что такое "votive mass" в других словарях:
Votive Mass — • A Mass offered for a votum, a special intention Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Votive Mass Votive Mass † … Catholic encyclopedia
votive Mass — n. a Mass differing from the Mass or Divine Office prescribed by the liturgy for a certain day and offered for some special private or public intention … English World dictionary
Votive Mass — In the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, a votive Mass (Latin missa votiva ) is a Mass offered for a votum , a special intention.The Mass does not correspond to the Divine Office for the day on which it is celebrated. Every day in the year… … Wikipedia
votive mass — noun Usage: often capitalized M : a mass celebrated in place of the mass appointed for the day except when that takes precedence due to festal rank or identity of intention and offered in special devotion (as in honor of a saint or the angels) or … Useful english dictionary
votive mass — noun Date: 1738 a mass celebrated for a special intention (as for a wedding or funeral) in place of the mass of the day … New Collegiate Dictionary
votive Mass — vo′tive mass′ n. rel a mass that does not correspond with the office of the day but is chosen by the celebrant for a special intention … From formal English to slang
votive Mass — Rom. Cath. Ch. a Mass that does not correspond with the office of the day but is said, as for a special intention, at the choice of the celebrant. [1730 40] * * * … Universalium
votive Mass — noun (in the Roman Catholic Church) a Mass celebrated for a special purpose or occasion … English new terms dictionary
votive Mass — Исполняемая по обету месса … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Mass (liturgy) — A 15th century Mass … Wikipedia
Mass of Paul VI — This article is about the post Vatican II changes to the Mass; for an explanation of the current structure of the Mass, see Mass (liturgy). The Mass of Pope Paul VI is the liturgy of the Catholic Mass of the Roman Rite promulgated by Paul VI in… … Wikipedia