voting mode
Смотреть что такое "voting mode" в других словарях:
Voting in Switzerland — is the process by which Swiss citizens make decisions about governance and elect officials. Voting takes place over the week end, with emphasis being put on the Sunday. At noon on that day ( Abstimmungssonntag in German), voting ends.Switzerland… … Wikipedia
Mode de scrutin — Système électoral Politique Idées politiques Science politique Philosophie politique Sociologie politique Campagne politique Mode de désignation du chef d État et du Parlement par pays l Union européenne l ONU Démocratie Démocratie directe … Wikipédia en Français
Mode (statistics) — In statistics, the mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set or a probability distribution.[1] In some fields, notably education, sample data are often called scores, and the sample mode is known as the modal score.[2] Like the… … Wikipedia
Proxy voting — Part of the Politics series Electoral methods Single winner … Wikipedia
Electronic voting examples — The following is a list of examples of electronic voting from elections around the world. Examples include polling place voting electronic voting and Internet voting.AustraliaThe first known use of the term CyberVote was by Midac in 1995 when… … Wikipedia
Disapproval voting — is any voting system that allows many voters to express formal disapproval simultaneously, in a system where they all share some power. Unlike most voting systems, it requires that only negative measures or choices be presented to the voter or… … Wikipedia
Compulsory voting — Compulsory voting, enforced. Compulsory voting, not enforced. Compulsory vo … Wikipedia
Electronic voting in Canada — It is a common misconception that there is no electronic voting in Canada. While the federal elections still use paper ballots, electronic voting technology has been used since at least the 1990s at the municipal level in some cities, and there… … Wikipedia
Australian referendum, 1974 (Mode of Altering the Constitution) — Since federation, voters in the Australian Territories had been excluded from voting in referendums. The proposed law, Constitution Alteration (Mode of Altering the Constitution) 1974 attempted to rectify thissituation by counting voters in the… … Wikipedia
Référendum britannique sur le mode de scrutin de 2011 — Résultats par région : Non Oui … Wikipédia en Français
Majorité absolue — Système électoral Politique Idées politiques Science politique Philosophie politique Sociologie politique Campagne politique Mode de désignation du chef d État et du Parlement par pays l Union européenne l ONU Démocratie Démocratie directe … Wikipédia en Français